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The role of arts in ending child sexual abuse

This web conference is sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for Women.

This web conference is the sixth in a series of nine web conferences on Ending Child Sexual Abuse. This is a collaboration between PreventConnect and Ms. Foundation for Women. Please see the materials and recordings from the previous web conference “Healthy sexuality and caring connections: Foundations for prevention.”

The sixth web conference on October 10, 2012 is titled “The Role of Arts in Ending Child Sexual Abuse.” The arts are a powerful way to give voice to what otherwise may not be said. The arts are often a catalyst to action. The arts inspire viewers to see things through a different lens and define and experience in a way that links to taking action. The arts are a way to tap into the heart and through the experience of the art bring attention to an issue. This web conference focuses on how to use the arts to help end child sexual abuse.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)
Click Here to Listen to the Recording

Sponsor: Ms. Foundation for Women

Hosts: Joan Tobachnick, Cordelia Anderson


Donna Jenson

Bonnie Fournier

Travis Monford


Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the power and possibilities for arts in giving voice to individuals, communities and issues in need of attention.
  2. Identify at least 2 ways the arts are being used to advance prevention of child sexual abuse.
  3. Articulate ways to use arts that are not in and of themselves focused on ending child sexual abuse to advance prevention.

Overall Series Goals:

  • Raise the visibility and level of dialogue about child sexual abuse within the larger prevention community.
  • Build new communities who care deeply about children to involve them in the child sexual abuse prevention movement.
  • Increase attention to ending child sexual abuse and the level of knowledge, resources and possible action to child sexual abuse prevention.

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