Faith communities engaged in ending child sexual abuse
Thursday, July 18, 2013
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)
Faith communities offer a unique opportunity to engage survivors, families and communities in ending child sexual abuse. Well beyond not asking survivors to “forgive and forget” and effectively responding to faith leaders accused of perpetrating, some faith communities are offering new avenues towards healing and accountability. Learn about these new approaches and how others can incorporate elements of the programs, tools and resources already developed during this first web conference of the 2013-2014 Ending Child Sexual Abuse Web Conference Series!

Hosts: Joan Tabachnick and Cordelia Anderson
- Victor Vieth, National Child Protection Training Center
- Linda Crockett, Samaritan Counseling Center’s Safe Church Project

- Slides [PDF]
- Text chat [PDF]
- Recording [click here to access]
- Victor Vieth, (2010), When Faith Hurts: Overcoming Spirituality-Based Blocks and Problems Before, During, and After the Forensic Interview [PDF]
- Victor Vieth, (2011), Suffer the Children: Developing Effective Church Policies on Child Maltreatment [PDF]
- Victor Vieth, (2012), What Would Walther Do? Applying Law and Gospel to Victims and Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse [PDF]
- Caring Connections, Volume 10, Number 2, page 21: A Lutheran Approach to Ministering to Victims and Perpetrators of Child Abuse: What Does this Mean? [PDF]
Cost: Free
Learning Objectives:
- Describe 3 actions faith based organizations can take to help end child sexual abuse
- Understand how to use the power of narrative to effect social change in faith communities to inspire people to action
- Articulate why faith based organizations offer a unique perspective and opportunity to end child sexual abuse

What is a Web Conference?
A web conference is an opportunity to attend an online workshop by watching a presentation on your computer screen (using your internet connection) and hearing presenters through your telephone. PreventConnect web conferences feature an opportunity to participate in online question & answer sessions and live text chat between participants. If for some reason you
are unable to join on your computer, you can download the presentation slides from our website and listen on your phone.
Real-Time Captioning Available:
Instructions for accessing captioning during this web conference will be provided with your registration confirmation.

Will this web conference be available with WIFi users?
Any broadband connection should be fast enough to allow you to participate in the web conference.
are there CEU’s or a certificate available to provide documentation that this was participated in?
Sorry, we don’t offer CEUs. Please send an email to in**@pr************.org to request documentation.
I cannot attend but will there be a way to access the information at a later date? It is good information. Thanks
The recording is now posted on this website.
[…] PreventConnect and Ms. Foundation for Women’s Ending Child Sexual Abuse Web Conference titled Faith Communities Engaged in Ending Child Sexual Abuse “Faith communities have a vital role… Faith communities need to be part of the a movement to […]