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By on January 22, 2014

Child sexual abuse and disabilities: Prevention efforts

web conference logo "#PowerInPrevention" with Prevent Connect and Ms. Logos

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention is tasked with shedding light on acts of violence for members of society that are vulnerable because of lack of power due to their status as children. When those children are further marginalized by disabilities, prevention efforts become even more crucial. The Ending Child Sexual Abuse Web Conference series sponsored by PreventConnect and Ms. Foundation for Women, presented the webinar Child Sexual Abuse and Disabilities to address the unique strategies needed while working to end child sexual abuse with children with disabilities. In this webinar, series co-hosts Cordelia Anderson and Joan Tabachnick engaged Sandra Harrell, Project Director, Vera Institute of Justice’s Accessing Safety Initiative, Keith Jones, President and CEO, SoulTouchin’ Experiences, and Meg Stone, Executive Director, IMPACT Boston and Project Director IMPACT:Ability in an interactive discussion of  the prevention work they do. The presenters used survivor narratives, research, and a disability focused scenario to encourage attendees to think outside of the child sexual abuse prevention box.

Check out the recording of this web conference for details about these actions and more.

Click here for more information about this series and sign up here for announcements for future web conferences.