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Growing Our Impact: Moving from individual awareness building to community norms change strategies as a part of sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts

Thursday, April 24, 2014
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)

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An important aspect of increasing the impact of a primary prevention curriculum or campaign is shifting the focus from individual behavior to the transformation of social and cultural norms. This web conference explores innovative strategies for going beyond individual focused PSAs and curriculum implementation towards a community norms change approach. We’ll take a look at case studies where social media, art and digital storytelling have been leveraged to shift norms and prevent violence.

Annie Lyles
Annie Lyles

Host: David Lee and Ashley Maier, CALCASA, PreventConnect


Invited Guests:

Nicole DaleyNicole DaleyTyler TylerCynthiaCynthiaDestie Hohman Sprague Destie Hohman SpragueCara CourchesneCara Courchesne


Cost: Free

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Engage in a candid discussion around the value of community norms change work and identify strategies for shifting norms.
  2. Share real world examples of efforts that shift community level norms.
  3. Identify tools and resources to support innovative approaches.

What is a Web Conference?
A web conference is an opportunity to attend an online presentation by watching a slides on your computer screen (using your internet connection) and hearing the presenters through your telephone. Our web conferences feature an opportunity to participate in an online question & answer sessions and live text chat between participants. If for some reason you are unable to join on your computer, you can download the presentation slides and listen to the presentation on your telephone.

Real-Time Captioning Available
Instructions for accessing real-time captioning will be provided after registration.

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