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Coaching Boys Into Men: A 3-Part Series on Program Design, Community Engagement, and Adaptation


( Session 1 Recording )

Coaching Boys Into Men:
An Introduction to Violence Prevention with Male Athletes
( Session 1: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 )
Session 2 Recording ) 

Coaching Boys Into Men Train-the-Trainer:
Community Outreach and Training Coaches
Session 2: Wednesday, June 1, 2016 )


Session 3 Recording ) 

Coaching Boys Into Men Train-the-Trainer:
Meeting Community Needs Through Adaptations
Session 3: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 )


During this series, join CBIM developers, community advocates, trainers, and coaches in a series of discussions on: the history of engaging men with ‘coaching as a metaphor’ and through the use of CBIM, how to create community buy-in for violence prevention programming, and explore lessons learned from nationwide implementations of CBIM that have informed best practices for adaptations of curricula in the field. This series of web conferences provides an introduction and serves as a “train-the-trainer” to implement this program.


  1. Identify the guiding principles of CBIM and discuss how sports as a platform has become an effective tool for violence prevention and social change.
  2. Describe the Coaching Boys Into Men curricula, tools, and program content available to support a school or community implementation.
  3. Identify the skills, tools, and content necessary to conduct community outreach with proven models for successful and sustainable implementations.
  4. Gain skills necessary to train and support the work of coaches delivering the program.
  5. Describe the results of the CDC funded randomized control trial studies have informed the creation of effective adaptation models across different ages, gender, and cultural settings.


HOST: David Lee and Ashleigh Klein, PreventConnect and CALCASA


Yesenia Gorbea, MSW,  Futures Without Violence