Partners in Prevention: Connecting Sexual Violence Prevention and LGBTQ-Inclusive Campus Culture
TUESDAY, MAY 17, 2016 ( Web Conference only held once ) |
Because there are shared risk factors for perpetration of sexual violence and bias incidents against queer and gender non-conforming folks it is impossible to separate homophobia and transphobia from our work around sexual violence on college campuses. There are many opportunities to create sexual violence prevention programs that not only are specific to the experiences of LGBTQ students and also speak to the rest of the campus community as well. As our students sexual and gender identities are more visibly fluid we cannot make assumptions about their identities and must incorporate inclusive educational models in all of our sexual violence prevention and response work. Working together, LGBTQ offices and sexual violence prevention and response offices have opportunities to create safer campuses for all our students to live, learn and thrive.
SESSION MATERIALS: Slides: [PDF] Chat transcript: [PDF] Recording: [Click here]
HOST: Ashleigh Klein, PreventConnect and CALCASA |