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A Safe Place to Call Home: Transforming the Physical/Built Environment for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention


(This web conference will be held only once.
It will be recorded and archived)
HAWAII (HST/HDT)8:00 AM – 9:30 AM
ALASKA (AKST/AKDT)10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
PACIFIC (PST/PDT)11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
MOUNTAIN (MST/MDT)12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
CENTRAL (CST/CDT)1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
EASTERN (EST/EDT)2:00 PM – 3:30 PM


Place matters for sexual and domestic violence prevention. Protective physical/built environments can help achieve community-level results and significantly influence individual behavior. “Place factors” like a neighborhood looking and feeling inviting and safe or having parks and open space can enhance factors in the sociocultural environment (e.g. sense of community, strong social networks and neighbors helping each other). In this interactive web conference, we will continue to build on the THRIVE framework to explore the role sexual and domestic violence prevention practitioners can play in helping design spaces that promote safety. Guests will share why they are focused on place-based efforts for sexual and domestic violence prevention and what they are specifically doing in communities.

HOSTS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez and Meghna Bhat,  PreventConnect and CALCASA

FACILITATORS: Alisha Somji and Lisa Fujie Parks, Prevention Institute


  • Identify how place-based strategies can support protective factors for sexual and domestic violence prevention
  • Highlight ways to identify community design issues and advocate for change
  • Provide examples of on the ground place-based strategies
  • Engage in a candid discussion on transforming the physical/built environment for prevention

