How to Build Organizational Capacity to Support Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
Capacity building is not just about developing and implementing a program, but rather incorporating sexual and domestic violence prevention into all aspects of an agency’s work, with attention to issues of equity. When organizations have the ability to make prevention and health equity a priority, they can better support the social change that is necessary to stop sexual and domestic violence before violence it even happens. Join us for this web conference centered on how organizations can change their internal and external strategies to better support primary prevention and serve communities.
HOST: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
FACILITATOR: Alisha Somji and Morgan Croce, Prevention Institute
- Identify critical components for building prevention capacity in terms of structures and processes, leadership, staffing, partnerships and resources
- Explore how practitioners and agencies at the state and community levels are building capacity for prevention
- Engage in a candid discussion on considerations and challenges in prioritizing prevention organizationally
- Identify tools and resources to support capacity building
- Matthew Huffman, Public Affairs Director, Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Melanie Austin, Director of Education, Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA)
- Vanessa Crawford Aragon, Community Prevention Coordinator, Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA)

PowerPoint Slides [PDF]
Text Chat transcript [PDF]
Guest Profile: Toward social change: Build capacity for prevention into state coalition work in Missouri
Guest Profile: Capacity building for community-level prevention: Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault
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