Centering the Margins: Advancing health equity for sexual and domestic violence prevention
How do we take theory and values about health equity and put them into action? This web conference will focus on how practitioners and advocates are centering the margins in their prevention work – meaning sharing power with and elevating opportunities for groups who have been historically and continue to be marginalized. Whether based on gender, race, disability, sexual orientation and or other factors, certain groups are disproportionately impacted by sexual and domestic violence. Join us as guests and participants share how they’re moving beyond identifying inequities and why they exist, to taking action to improve health and safety, with a focus on elevating those most impacted.
HOST: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
FACILITATOR: Alisha Somji, Prevention Institute
- Identify what is meant by “health equity,” “intersectionality,” and “centering the margins”
- Explore real-world examples of how practitioners and advocates are building infrastructure and advancing health equity practice in their sexual and domestic violence prevention efforts
- Engage in a candid discussion on re-centering power and how that supports safe communities and sexual and domestic violence prevention
- Web Conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Web Conference Text Chat Transcript [PDF]
- Web Conference Guest Profile Gathering strength: A journey in centering the margins in the movement to prevent and end sexual and domestic violence [PDF]
- Web Conference Guest Profile A Commitment to Health Equity Internally and Externally: Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence [PDF]
- PreventConnect web conference Authentically Engaging Communities to Prevent Sexual and Domestic Violence [link]
- Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence website [link]
- Beckie Masaki Move to End Violence blog posts [link]
- Move to End Violence Movement Building Practice: Margins to Center [link]
- Prevention Institute Partnering for Health Equity [link]
- Prevention Institute A Health Equity and Multisector Approach to Preventing Domestic Violence [link]
- Prevention Institute An Overview of the SAFE (Sectors Acting for Equity) Approach [link]
- Beckie Masaki, Independent Consultant, Social Change + Community Building
- Lucy Rios, Director of Prevention & Communications, Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence

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