Getting Started on Supporting Economic Opportunity for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
Research shows that improving financial security and economic opportunities may reduce risk for sexual and domestic violence. From sustainable living wages to pay equity and paid family leave, advocates and practitioners are diving into new policy and practice areas to advance sexual and domestic violence prevention. Join us for this web conference where we will learn from emerging work in Ohio and Alaska focused on increasing economic opportunities for prevention as part of their DELTA (Domestic Violence Prevention Enhancements and Leadership Through Alliances) Impact work and partnerships.
- Identify the roles that sexual and domestic violence practitioners are starting to take to strengthen economic supports for families.
- Describe real-world examples of how practitioners and advocates are partnering with other sectors to support economic opportunity.
- Engage in a dialogue on how to deal with push back that supporting economic opportunities is beyond the sexual and domestic violence prevention “lane.”
HOST: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
FACILITATOR: Alisha Somji, Prevention Institute
- Web Conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Web Conference text chat transcript [PDF]
- Resources to support the CDC’s Technical Package Preventing Intimate Partner Violence Across the Lifespan from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence [PDF]
- Web Conference Guest Profile Wage equity and other worker supports in Ohio: How one coalition is getting started on a new domestic violence prevention strategy [PDF]
- Web Conference Guest Profile Eliminating the Gender Wage Gap in Alaska [PDF]
- Rebecca Cline, Prevention Programs Director, Ohio Domestic Violence Network
- Erin Ryan, Managing Director, The Ohio Women’s Public Policy Network
- Kristen Rankin, MS, Prevention Specialist, DELTA Impact Project Director, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Natasha McClanahan, Public Policy Specialist, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault
- Jaci Ree, Economic Empowerment Manager, YWCA Alaska
- Anne Menard, Executive Director, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

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