Preventing violence in our homes: Meeting this moment with connection, care, and justice
Children, youth, and families are experiencing intensified stresses and new traumas as our country and the entire world work to contain the novel coronavirus and save lives. With more and more families experiencing unemployment, housing insecurity, and hunger—and many people restricted to their homes and limited in their social interactions, risks for violence and abuse in the home are likely to be on the rise.
In this web conference, speakers will talk about their communities’ experiences with COVID-19 and emerging strategies to understand community needs in this moment and respond to them. We will also offer ample time for participants to share what they’re learning and what actions they’re taking. Whether you are a public health practitioner, community health worker, educator, or advocate, we can meet this moment of major individual and collective upheaval with connection, care, and an unwavering commitment to justice. Together, we can support and advocate for children, youth, and families, and prevent violence in our homes.
- Describe the impacts of the current climate on safety at home.
- Identify actions communities are taking to support children, youth, and families to prevent violence and abuse at home (e.g., conducting rapid needs and assets assessments, connecting with different population groups, supporting safe and healthy relationship skill-building, and advocating with funders and policymakers).
- Engage in a candid discussion about roles practitioners can take on during this moment of crisis.
- Identify resources organizations have developed to support safety at home and promote equity.
- Web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Repeat web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Links and resources shared during the web conference [PDF]
- Web conference guest profile summaries:
- Preventing violence amidst the pandemic: A spotlight on the Center at McKinleyville and National Compadres Network (Part 1)
- Preventing violence amidst the pandemic: A spotlight on Ujima, Inc. and Hogg Foundation for Mental Health (Part 2)
- Preventing violence amidst the pandemic: A spotlight on Stop It Now! and Vital Village (Part 3)
- Text Chat Transcript April 14 [PDF]
- Text Chat Transcript April 17 [PDF]
HOSTS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA
FACILITATORS: Alisha Somji, Lisa Fujie Parks & Abena Asare, Prevention Institute
- Aristea Saulsbury and Hillarie Beyer, McKinleyville Family Resource Center
- Jenny Coleman, MA, LMHC, Director, Stop It Now!
- Megan Simmons, MPA/JD, Senior Policy Attorney, Ujima, Inc.: The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community
- Vicky Coffee, Hogg Foundation for Mental Health
- Jerry Tello, National Compadres Network
- Renée Boynton-Jarrett, Vital Village