Repeat Session! Taking Prevention Online: Tips & Best Practices for Facilitating Engaging Online Events
*Due to high demand, this session is a repeat of our August 27th web conference.*
As preventionists continue to adapt to the changing landscape and context presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, many are exploring ways to create engaging sexual and intimate partner violence education opportunities online. Adapting what would have been in-person events to an online format isn’t always a direct translation, and creating engaging online events takes additional planning and factors into consideration. Join PreventConnect on this web conference where we share our best tips & practices for creating engaging online events.
- Identify the possibilities and limitations of virtual platforms
- Identify logistical factors to consider when hosting virtual events
- Describe key principles to develop an engaging online prevention event
- Discuss opportunities to adapt in-person prevention programming to online platforms
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: David S. Lee, Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA
I missed the first presentation…..please schedule me for the next session.
Hi Maxine, please register by clicking on the “Register” button in this post. See you there!
Thank you!
Hello, where can we go to access the recording to this webinar?
Hi Megan,
The recording is now available at the top of this webpage.