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August 24, 2011
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Prevent Connect
PreventConnect web conference -- From Data to Prevention III:
Framing Data to Demonstrate the Need for Primary Prevention

This fall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will release initial results of the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS). The new data about intimate partner violence, sexual violence and a stalking will create opportunities to raise awareness about the prevalence of these public health problems and to make the case for prevention. In this web conference, we will discuss NISVS and its messaging implications for the field, explore tools for creating a strong message framework around IPV/SV/stalking data, and workshop questions solicited from the field in advance of the web conference. This information will provide practitioners with the knowledge necessary to develop strong messages about the data and the need for primary prevention in order to reach a variety of constituents. This web conference is part of a series of PreventConnect web conferences that prepare prevention practitioners to use data to make the case for prevention.

Tues., Sept. 20, 2011
Wed., Sept. 21, 2011

This ninety-minute (90 min) session will start at
11 AM Pacific Standard
(2 PM Eastern, 1 PM Central, Noon Mountain, 10 AM Alaska, 8 AM Hawai'i).

Click Here to Register

Kasia Reterska

Host/Presenter: David Lee, CALCASA, PreventConnect

Guest Speakers: Tessa Allen Burton, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Kasia Reterska, Fenton; Heidi Overbeck, Fenton

Cost: Free

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify components of a message framework and understand steps for constructing an effective frame.
  2. Create a message framework for the latest data on intimate partner violence, sexual violence and stalking, which makes the case for primary prevention.
  3. Anticipate messaging challenges and frame responses about IPV, SV and stalking from the media, policymakers, funders and other constituencies.

Heidi Overbeck

What is a Web Conference?
A web conference is an opportunity to attend an online workshop by watching a presentation on your computer screen (using your internet connection) and hearing presenters through your telephone. Prevent Connect web conferences feature an opportunity to participate in online question & answer sessions and live text chat between participants. If for some reason you are unable to join on your computer, you can download the presentation slides from our website and listen on your phone.

Real-Time Captioning Available:
Instructions for accessing captioning during this web conference will be provided with your registration confirmation.

Compatibility: The iLinc web conference software used by Prevent Connect is compatible with both Microsoft® Windows® and Apple® Macintosh® computers. Click here for detailed system requirements.

Invitation: The NO MORE Project Web Conferences -- Sept. 7, 2011
Over the past year and a half, representatives from several domestic violence and sexual assault organizations have been coming together with a small group of funders and private sector volunteers to work on an exciting new effort called The NO MORE Project. The NO MORE Project is about creating a new, over-arching visual symbol to help raise public awareness about domestic violence and sexual assault. Like the AIDS ribbon or the peace sign, we hope this symbol will help augment and connect the efforts of domestic violence and sexual assault organizations large and small, supplementing rather than replacing our existing logos and brands. We also hope it will be widely adopted by members of the public, to express their solidarity with us on these issues. Read more & register >>

PreventConnect is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) and is sponsored by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The views and information provided in our activities do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC or CALCASA.

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