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NEWSLETTER / January 20, 2011 |
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In this issue of the PreventConnect Newsletter, we are pleased to share the following stories: |
"State of the Break-Up" address (3 min) Terrance Miles, peer educator for Start Strong Boston at the Boston Public Health Commission, delivered the "State of the Break-Up" address at the July 2010 Break-Up Summit. In this video, Terrance describes how events like this can engage youth in dating violence prevention. Start Strong Boston will present about the Break-Up Summit at the 3rd Annual Violence-Free Teens Conference: Middle School Matters -- Setting the Stage for Early Prevention. This conference will be held on Feb. 4, 2011, in Los Angeles and is sponsored by Peace Over Violence. |
![]() Dr. Dave Walsh |
Brain, science, technology and sexual violence prevention (16 min) Psychologist Dr. Dave Walsh talks about the implications of brain development, adolescence and emerging technology for developing sexual abuse prevention efforts. This was recorded at a meeting of the National Coalition to Prevent Child Sexual Exploitation held in September 2010.
![]() Emiliano Diaz de Leon |
Bystander intervention in Spanish-speaking communities (18 min) In an interview conducted in Spanish, Emiliano Diaz de Leon, with the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA), spoke with CALCASA about bystander intervention in Spanish-speaking migrant communities. During the interview, Emiliano addressed the importance of culturally relevant prevention work in the field of sexual assault. The discussion focused on fotonovelas, pamphlets structured like a comic-book with images and dialogue bubbles, that are distributed amongst Spanish-speaking migrant communities as a means of communicating with people that have diverse levels of literacy. This podcast compliments the Spanish version of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center's publication Engaging Bystanders.En un entrevista conducida en español, Emiliano Díaz de León, con la Asociación de Texas Contra el Asalto Sexual (TAASA), habló con CALCASA sobre intervención en las comunidades de inmigrantes de habla español. Durante la entrevista, Emiliano platico sobre la importancia del trabajo de prevención que sea culturalmente relevante en el campo de asalto sexual. La discusión se centra en fotonovelas, folletos estructurado como un cómic con imágenes y las burbujas de diálogo, que se distribuyen entre las comunidades de migrantes de habla española como un medio de comunicación con una población de diversos niveles de alfabetización. Comprometer a los espectadores en la prevencion de la violencia sexual. |
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PreventConnect is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) and is sponsored by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The views and information provided in our activities do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC or CALCASA. |