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December 06, 2011
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Preparing and Raising Expectations for Prevention

DELTA PREP supported 19 state-level domestic violence coalitions to build capacity for primary prevention of intimate partner violence (IPV). As this project is concluding, PreventConnect interviewed several DELTA PREP grantees to share experiences of their primary prevention work. DELTA PREP is a collaborative effort between the CDC, the CDC Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Ilene Stohl & Summer Camp participants

(10 mins) Ilene Stohl from the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence describes the Teen Learning Council (TLC) where young people define how to work with youth to prevent domestic violence.
Listen here>>

(12 mins) Laura Berry and Colleen Yeakle of the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence describe efforts regarding Heather's Law. The coalition worked with partners to develop a toolkit to support local school districts and organizations to provide prevention activities that promote healthy relationships.
Listen here>>

(12 mins) Linda Blozie, the Director of Training and Public Affairs of the Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence, speaks about primary prevention efforts after being part of the DELTA PREP initiative for the last three years. She highlights the work to develop a mobile app, TD411, and legislative action to support primary prevention.
Listen here>>

(8 mins) Ana Vega and Leslie Malkin of the New Jersey Coalition for Battered Women describe their trainings to build domestic violence prevention efforts in New Jersey's Latino Communities.
Listen here>>

Robin P. Christopherson

(16 mins) Ana Hernández of the New Hampshire Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence and Robin P. Christopherson of Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention describe how they strengthened domestic violence prevention efforts in partnership with the Department of Education.
Listen here>>

(9 mins) Carol Gundlach and Joan Sulzman of the Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence share about how they were able to incorporate primary prevention activities into the The Council on Violence Against Women's 2010 Alabama State Plan.
Listen here>>

Using technology to prevent violence

Berkeley Media Studies Group

Technology is changing faster than ever. With the internet, mobile phones and powerful computers that we carry in our pocket and purses, we have new tools available to advance our violence prevention work.

On December 8-9, 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) will convene a workshop titled mPreventViolence: Communication and Technology for Violence Prevention to explore gaps of knowledge management (knowledge generation, integration, dissemination, and application) and how closing these gaps might accelerate violence prevention, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

The public workshop will examine the use of traditional and new media to communicate evidence-based information for violence prevention and new applications of social media and new communications technologies to prevent violence.

Read more>>

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PreventConnect is a national project of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) and is sponsored by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The views and information provided in our activities do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. Government, the CDC or CALCASA.

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