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By on November 30, 2006

Changing Norms to Prevent Violence Against Women

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(8:18 minutes) This presentation introduces the key role of changing social norms to develop effective primary prevention efforts.

This presentation was adapted from the Prevention Connection Web Conference “Toward a Community Solution: Advancing Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women” held on November 30, 2006.

Other related materials include:

Prevention Institute

These materials were created by Prevention Institute, a national non-profit organization working to put prevention at the center of community well-being.

One response to “Changing Norms to Prevent Violence Against Women”

  1. I love that you took a conference presentation that had good content (these typically have lots of “conference distractions” that I don’t want to spent the time viewing after the fact) and adapted into a shorter sleeker more on-target video presentation. I write training/TA materials for the field and this type of brief but packed video message is one that I would encourage training participants to go to as a primary or supplemental resource. Thanks!