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By on November 11, 2009

More on Men Can Stop Rape Posters

CALPoster7-12.QXSI just read Pat McGann’s response to an article “Can ‘Men” Stop Rape?” published in the journal Men and Masculinity analyzing Men Can Stop Rape’s “My Strength Is Not For Hurting” posters.

I did blog about this article when it was initially ePublished. While I do not use a “Batman and Robin” story to make my points (as Pat did in his response), I agree with Pat that we need to determine the value of prevention materials in part by looking how it serves prevention practice.

In California, CALCASA had the largest training in the last 5 years for our MyStrength Campaign.  More and more rape crisis centers find “My Strength Is Not For Hurting” posters and MyStrength Clubs provide a strong foundation for engaging young men as allies to prevent sexual violence.

Of course this work is not perfect; we need more research and evaluation to provide long-term evidence of the efficacy of this work.  However, I am seeing more and more young men standing up and speaking out against rape due to there exposure to rape crisis centers’ using these materials.

The full citation and link to the response in the journal follow the jump.

A Letter to Michael Murphy in Response to “Can ‘Men’ Stop Rape? Visualizing Gender in the ‘My Strength is Not for Hurting’ Rape Prevention Campaign”.

McGann, Pat  Men and Masculinity 2009; 12(1): 131-134.

Click here for a link to the journal or the DOI.

Click here for a link to my previous blog on the original article.