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By on November 6, 2009

Talking Prevention in Delaware

Keynote speaker David Lee with sponsors of Visions of Justice X: left to right: Joanna Champney from SURJ, Carol Post, of the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence,  Janet Leban of the Delaware Center for Justice, Leslie Newman of Children and Families First and Tim Brandau from CHILD Inc.
Keynote speaker David Lee with sponsors of Visions of Justice X: (left to right) Joanna Champney from SURJ, Carol Post, of the Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Janet Leban of the Delaware Center for Justice, Leslie Newman of Children and Families First and Tim Brandau from CHILD Inc.

I just returned from speaking about primary prevention of violence in families and relationships at the 10th annual Visions of Justice presentation in Delaware.  Over 120 people gathered to explore how to expand primary prevention of domestic violence. Currently in Delaware, primary prevention efforts include the DELTA Project and Rape Prevention and Education programs provided by ContactLifeline.

In this presentation we explored why we should invest in prevention. Most of the participants work in responding to domestic violence: such as counselors in shelters for battered women, victim advocates for law enforcement, and social workers for corrections.  Yet to reduce the violence, we have to take measures to prevent before violence takes place.

Reducing domestic violence also has positive impact for the overall well being of the community. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study shows how childhood experiences including being abuse and living in a family with violence increases the risk for many health outcomes.

Click here for materials from David Lee’s presentation.

Visions of Hope was co-sponsored by Child, Inc., Children and Families First, Delaware Center for Justice, Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence and SURJ( Stand Up for what’s Right and Just).