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By on March 22, 2010

2010 California prevention trainings

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault is please to announce its 2010 training topics for prevention. As the training and technical assistance provider funded by the California Department of Public Health, CALCASA is holding these trainings and web conferences for California’s Rape Prevention and Education grantees.

CALCASA will offer both in person and web conference trainings. Look at this blog for announcements of dates and when registration is open.

In Person Trainings:

How to Measure Prevention: An all day workshop to give participants hands on experience in developing evaluation programs for their prevention programs.  This training will be held in Sacramento in May, 2010.

MyStrength Campaign Training: A two day training for California’s rape crisis centers and their partners on implementing the MyStrength Campaign, including a focus on MyStrength Club.  Sending a team of a program director/executive director and MyStrength Club facilitator is strongly recommended. This training will be held in Sacramento in August, 2010.

Prevention Track at National Sexual Assault Conference. This year’s Leadership Conference will be held as part of the National Sexual Assault Conference in Los Angeles, CA on September 1-3, 2010. Participants will be able to learn from national leaders presenting on state-of-the-art prevention efforts. CALCASA will provide stipends to California Rape Crisis Centers to support travel and lodging expenses.

Web Conferences

Framing: Developing the language to support sexual violence prevention efforts (March 25, 2010) Click here to register for this web conference.

Local Policy to Advance Prevention (June TBD 2010) This web conference will explore strategies to advance prevention policies on a local level.

Creating Organization Change to Advance Prevention (September TBD 2010) This web conference will examine what steps organizations can take to integrate prevention activities.

Contact David Lee or Chad Sniffen at CALCASA for more information about these trainings.