Looking for evaluator for MyStrength Campaign
Request for Proposals
MyStrength Evaluation
The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) is looking for a consultant to provide services to support CALCASA in its evaluation of MyStrength, its statewide social marketing campaign to engage young men to prevent sexual violence.
Since 2005, CALCASA has supported the MyStrength Campaign where local rape crisis centers conduct MyStrength Clubs in their local community. This evaluation will use a case study approach to document the progress and changes in those communities and for the rape crisis centers themselves.
The case study evaluation should include multiple sites (minimum 3) and consider many elements including:
- Capacity of a rape crisis center to conduct primary prevention of sexual violence
- Engagement of men in sexual violence prevention efforts
- Community support for prevention efforts
- Impact of MyStrength campaign for MyStrength participants and the communities themselves.
The project budget is $15,000 inclusive of travel and material costs. Site visits are expected and creative use of media is encouraged. The final report shall include separate reports for each site as well as a comprehensive summary that includes recommendations and lessons learned. Use of various forms of media (written, visual, video, audio, etc.) is encouraged.
To apply, please send a proposal no longer than 10 pages to David Lee by 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 18, 2010 including the following:
- Selection process of sites (minimum three sites)
- Methods to collect data
- Approach to analyze data
- Experience in case study methodology
In addition to the proposal, please include the following (not included in 10 page limit):
- Sample report for a similar project
- Resume/CV and statement of experience highlighting knowledge of sexual violence prevention for key personnel
- proposed budget including details for expenses
This final report for this project will be due on September 30, 2010. A draft of the report will be due on September 15 for feedback and direction from CALCASA.
Please contact David Lee if you have any questions.
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