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By on July 1, 2010

Tony Porter on Engaging Men and Boys

Tony Porter – Educator, Activist and Lecturer. A gifted public speaker, Tony Porter is an educator and activist working in the social justice arena for over twenty years. He is nationally recognized for his effort to end men's violence against women. Tony is the original visionary and co-founder behind A CALL TO MEN: The National Association of Men and Women Committed to Ending Violence Against Women. He is the author of "Well Meaning Men…Breaking Out of the Man Box. – Ending Violence Against Women".

An engaging and sought after lecturer, Tony's message of accountability is welcome and supported by many grassroots and established organizations. He's currently working with numerous domestic and sexual violence programs, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, colleges and universities around the country. He has worked with the United States Military Academy at West Point and the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. In addition, he has been a guest presenter for the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women.

Tony's former position was the Director of Addiction Services for a hospital in New York. He is a faculty member of the New York State Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services Academy of Addiction Studies where he co-authored their curriculum for clinicians who work with chemically dependent African-Americans. He also teaches several of their curriculums including "Racial Diversity in Chemical Dependency" and "Domestic Violence and Chemical Dependency". Tony also specializes in developing social justice treatment models in chemical dependency and other human service organizations.

 The recording of Tony Porters expert presentation session is available here [REC].

The slides are available here [SLIDES].

The text chat is available here [TEXT CHAT].

 You can view the report out on Engaging Men and Boys here [PDF].