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By on September 1, 2010

Rethinking Pornography: Media Literacy in Action

During the 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference, which took place in Hollywood Sept. 1-3, 2010there were more than 80 workshops. The largest track was the Prevention Track sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Workshop Title: Rethinking Pornography: Media Literacy in Action


Description: Using examples from popular pornography websites, the presenters provided a map of the industry and an analysis of how these images work in both complex and subtle ways. The workshop  closed with a discussion on how to develop media literacy skills in youth and young adults. Arguing that the best form of defense against images is education, we began to lay out a framework for curriculum that educates people as to the harms of pornography.


To view a complete list of workshops, speakers and information related to the 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference, click here.

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