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By on October 21, 2010

The prevention of sexual violence: A practitioners sourcebook

The Prevention of Sexual Violence Violence: A Practitioners Sourcebook
Available from

With so many developments in sexual violence prevention, we have not had a collection that summarized many different approaches until now. Portland State University professor Keith Kaufman has edited a new 500+ page book titled “The Prevention of Sexual Violence: A Practitioners Sourcebook” published by Neari Press. This sourcebook goes on sale this week. Below is my interview with the editor Keith Kaufman.

Self Promotion Alert: This book includes a chapter written by myself and CALCASA’s Chad Sniffen about the national online project PreventConnect.

Other authors who have contributed to this sourcebook include Ernie Allen of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, Cordelia Anderson, Deborah Callins of the National Children’s Advocacy Center, Deborah Donavan Rice of Stop It Now, John Foubert,  Corinne Graffunder, James Mercy and Karen Lang of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Christine Gidycz, Patrick McGann of Men Can Stop Rape, Paul Schewe, and Joan Tabachnick (author of Engaging Bystanders in Sexual Violence Prevention.)

Check out this interview with Keith Kaufman, editor of “The Prevention of Sexual Violence: A Practitioners Handbook,” for more information. Once I get my hands on the book, I will write a more detailed impression of it.

This book will be available at the CALCASA library. All proceeds from the book will go to support prevention work of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers.

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