PreventConnect web conference: Working with men and boys to prevent violence

Working with men and boys is a growing strategy for primary prevention of intimate partner violence. In this upcoming PreventConnect web conference, Working with Men and Boys to Prevent Intimate Partner Violence: Lessons Learned from DELTA Programs, several prevention practitioners will share experiences in developing, implementing and evaluating local prevention programs. Join this session to learn from practitioners in the field about the challenges, opportunities and resources to create change in communities.
DELTA is a national program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that funds 14 state domestic violence coalitions to deelop, implement and evalaute primary prevention of intimate partner violence efforts.
Click here to register for this free web conference on August 19, 2011 – 2:00-3:30pm Eastern Time (11:00 am – 12:30 Pacific Time, noon-1:30 Mountain Time; 1:00 – 2:30 Central Time.)
PreventConnect’s David Lee, who is the CALCASA’s Director of Prevention Services, will be joined by Jeanne Noordsy, Domestic Violence Project of Catholic Charities of Saratoga, Warren and Washington Counties, New York; Scott Michels, Jewish Family Services of Delaware; and Manuel Colorado-Reyes, Family Violence & Rape Crisis Services, Pittsboro, N.C.