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Bystander Intervention: Using social media to build bystander action to prevent violence

Earlier this year, hundreds of people gathered at the Bystander Intervention: From its roots to the road ahead conference in Boston. In order to keep the momentum of strengthening bystander approaches to prevent violence, PreventConnect is collaborating with Mentors in Violence Prevention and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center to continue the dialogue about taking action in our communities.

This web conference will focus on how social media can be a tool to build bystander action.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Click here to watch a recording of this session


Guest Speakers:

Michelle GarciaNicole DaleyJodie Layne



  • Slides [PDF]
  • Recording [click here to view]
  • Text chat [PDF]

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, participants will be able to:

  • Describe how social media can support bystander intervention efforts.
  • Identify two examples of using social media for prevention efforts.
  • Identity one opportunity to use social media in their prevention efforts.