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By on October 23, 2012

Incorporating NO MORE into your efforts to prevent violence against women

Thank you again to our colleages at for posting their TA question of the month: How can I incorporate NO MORE into my public education and awareness efforts for DVAM and beyond?

October is Domestic violence Awareness Month (DVAM), and advocates have been asking about the NO MORE campaign and how to incorporate its symbol and messaging in current DVAM activities. This year, several national organizations and state domestic violence coalitions are joining the NO MORE Campaign Team in their mission to increase national awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault and to unite the efforts of both movements to end gender-based violence. Created in 2010 by a group of individuals from varying backgrounds, NO MORE seeks to stop the stigma, shame and silence surrounding domestic violence and sexual assault through the implementation of a unifying symbol that can be used by all to show support for ending these forms of abuse.


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