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Primary prevention in the context of a traumatized community

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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)

There is growing awareness of trauma and its impact on individuals and communities. Currently, most initiatives working to address trauma focus on approaches that treat an individual. Join us for a web conference exploring a new topic in the field:  tailoring prevention work for communities that have been impacted by trauma. Be prepared to share your thoughts as we discuss how we currently understand and analyze community trauma, its transmission, and approaches to preventing sexual and domestic violence in communities impacted by trauma.  Register directly to the right.

Khalilah Collins
Khalilah Collins

Host: David Lee, CALCASA, PreventConnect


Invited Guest:

Howard Pinderhughes
Howard Pinderhughes


Cost: Free

Learning Objectives

Participants will understand:

  1. the evolution in our understanding of trauma and its impact on communities
  2. how trauma is transmitted and the implications for sexual and domestic violence
  3. the need for understanding the impact of community-level trauma and the implications for prevention practice
Annie Lyles
Annie Lyles

What is a Web Conference?
A web conference is an opportunity to attend an online presentation by watching a slides on your computer screen (using your internet connection) and hearing the presenters through your telephone. Our web conferences feature an opportunity to participate in an online question & answer sessions and live text chat between participants. If for some reason you are unable to join on your computer, you can download the presentation slides and listen to the presentation on your telephone.

Real-Time Captioning Available
Instructions for accessing real-time captioning will be provided after registration.

3 responses to “Primary prevention in the context of a traumatized community”

  1. I tried to listen to the recording but the sound kept cutting in and out until it finally stopped all together.

  2. When viewing the recordings, it often helps to allow the recording to fully download to your computer before viewing it. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, that could take 5 to 10 minutes.