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Gender transformative programs: Lessons learned from HIV prevention and other health programs

Click Here for the RecordingTuesday, July 30, 2013
11 AM to 12:30 PM Pacific Time
(2 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern)

Decades of research has found that challenging rigid gender norms of and inequities are a key to lowering rates of partner violence and improving life outcomes in at-risk communities. International donors like PEPFAR, USAID, UNAIDs, and WHO (and leading NGOs like CARE, ICRW, Planned Parenthood, and Population Council) have all implemented “gender transformative” initiatives that challenge rigid gender norms and inequities and found them effective. PEPFAR has made challenging masculine gender norms central to its funding to stop violence against women in dozens of developing countries.

Yet this is an area where the US lags behind. As Dr. Hortensia Amaro, a leading authority on youth of color, first observed in 1995, the US tends to pursue better outcomes on issues like partner violence and HIV “in a gender vacuum.” That remains largely true today.

But it is slowly changing. Today a handful of pioneering organizations like A Call to Men, EngenderHealth, Futures Without Violence, and Men Can Stop Rape are promoting gender transformative approaches to issues like partner violence and reproductive health that are slowly shifting the dialog in the US.

This presentation will cover basic language and concepts, specifics about masculinity and femininity and their impact on partner violence and reproductive health, the connection among gender, race and class, leading programs with a gender focus, and how existing programs can integrate a strong, specific focus on gender norms, even if they must maintain fidelity.


Riki Wilchins
Riki Wilchins

Host: David Lee, CALCASA, PreventConnect



Cost: Free

Andrew Levack
Andrew Levack

Learning Objectives:

Participants will:

  1. Know the basic gender language and terminology.
  2. Be familiar with the research and programmatic base for gender transformative work.
  3. Understand the connections between gender, race and class in IPV.
  4. Be familiar with leading sexual and domestic violence programs that have a strong gender focus.
  5. Know how to integrate a gender norms approach, if necessary without breaking fidelity.

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One response to “Gender transformative programs: Lessons learned from HIV prevention and other health programs”

  1. […] promising approaches consider strategies to transform the way gender is constructed. In a recent PreventConnect web conference, TrueChild’s Riki Wilchins and Engender Health’s Andrew Levack pointed about a variety of […]