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By on February 20, 2014

Engaging Deaf Men Project (EDMP) PSA Released

Screen Shot of PSAEngaging men is a popular and important prevention strategy.  Yet few resources focus specifically on engaging Deaf men.  Recognizing this need, the Engaging Deaf Men Project (EDMP) from Abused Deaf Women’s Advocacy Services (ADWAS) just released its first of several PSAs.  The PSA introduces the EDMP, demonstrating how Deaf men are coming together to end violence against women in Washington.  As ADWAS states on its EDMP page:

Deaf men need to be aware and understand that in order to eradicate violence; they must do more than just attend ADWAS functions and make donations.  They need to become actively involved in their own community by taking an active role as a positive male ally to progressively promote anti-violence attitudes and behaviors…

Watch the PSA here or below.