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By on March 11, 2014

5 Sources for Social Justice Songs

Leona with headphones
PreventConnect/CALCASA’s Leona listens to some sociology jams.

Ever since I attended one of their workshops in San Diego, I’ve been a big fan of the Institute for Humane Education.  If you know me, or attended my 2010 National Sexual Assault Conference panel on engaging musicians, you also know of my affinity for the power of music to create change.  A few days ago, both combined when I received IHE’s latest newsletter, complete with a list of 5 Sources for Social Justice Songs.

As IHE points out, a recent Association for Psychological Science article explores the power of music to promote social justice, noting that:

… listening to music stands out as an almost daily occurrence in the lives of young adults. One only needs to walk around for a few minutes on most college or university campuses to see numerous people listening to music through their phones and other devices. The experience of listening to music can potentially shape an individual’s values, actions, and worldview.

The 5 Sources for Social Justice Songs include 100 Songs of Protest, Social Justice Songs, Sociology Sounds, Song Source, and Songs for Justice.  Learn more about these sources here.

What songs and sources do you use in your sexual and domestic violence prevention work?  Check out a list generated from a PreventConnect listserv on our wiki.

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