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By on April 10, 2014

YTH Live conference report: Positively overwhelmed…in a good way!

Ashley Maier with colleages from Iowa coalitions and Futures Without Violence
Above: Ashley Maier with Colleagues from Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault and Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Below: Ashley Maier with Colleagues from Futures Without Violence

Conveniently held during Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), I had the opportunity to attend the Youth + Tech + Health conference, YTHLive, this week.  Invited to present about PreventConnect, I found myself positively overwhelmed (that’s a “thing” – overwhelm can be good!) and enthused by the endless amounts of knowledge, resources, and motivation the conference provided.  Not to mention the fact that my presentation took place during one of two sessions focused on sexual and domestic violence prevention.  I’ve returned with 14 business cards given to me from attendees, long notes with even more contact information, and several plans for sharing resources and information.

Emily May from Hollaback! and Future of Online Feminism Panel
Emily May from Hollaback Spoke on The Future of Online Feminism Panel

For my perspective about the conference, just check my Twitter feed and the YTHLive hashtag – I sparred no characters in Tweeting during the conference.  So what did I Tweet?  With a decidedly feminist bent, the conference was simply fantastic.  I love being in spaces with sexual health promotion folks, but that wasn’t the only reason the conference was so great.  I truly felt valued and appreciated for my sexual and domestic violence prevention work, as represented through PreventConnect.  I also learned A LOT.  There is no way to accurately reflect the volume of useful and innovative information relayed at this conference.  I was there to relay information about PreventConnect and in turn I received information about 20 fold.

I absolutely plan to attend the YTH conference again and I urge you to consider doing so as well.  This is a space where sexual and domestic violence prevention not only belongs, but is welcome.  Thank you, YTHLive for valuing the work of PreventConnect and for providing such a wonderful experience.