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By on September 4, 2014

World Sexual Health Day: What does sexual well being mean to you?

World Sexual Health Day logoWe at PreventConnect are big fans of sexual health (take our introductory course here.) So we were thrilled to find out that today is World Sexual Health Day. The theme for today’s 2nd annual celebration was, “What does sexual well being mean to you?” The co-director of the National Coalition for Sexual Health, of which CALCASA is a member, spoke at the event.

Healthy sexuality is key to sexual violence prevention – in our work, that practically goes without saying. And to promote a comprehensive view of sexual well being, let’s continue to make the connections, inviting other sexual health folks (teen pregnancy prevention, HIV/STIs, comprehensive sexuality eduction, and more!) to our tables and joining their tables. I’ll be attending the next NCSH meeting in DC and I encourage you to cultivate similar local partners in your communities.

Happy World Sexual Health Day! Check out the site for an engaging video, quiz, and more. We’ll keep you informed about plans for next year.