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By on October 28, 2015

Meeting with Preventionists from New Zealand

Earlier this month, PreventConnect’s David Lee and Shaina Brown had the opportunity to meet with two individuals who traveled all the way to our Sacramento office from New Zealand! Representatives from CAPS Hauraki and the New Zealand Police Department came to share their programs providing crisis sexual abuse services in their community and discuss prevention and response, generally.

Right2BSafe Poster
Right2BSafe Poster

Of particular note, their region has a high season in the Summer (our Winter!) where the tourist population increases 500% and the prevalence of crimes, including sexual assault, increases tremendously, as well. We shared ideas of community mobilization and brainstormed on potential community partners and social media campaigns.

CAPS Hauraki also shared about their sexual violence primary prevention campaign called ‘Right2BSafe’.  The Right2BSafe campaign is a campaign to raise awareness about child sexual abuse and offer concrete strategies for prevention. 17 local champions have stepped up to front the campaign on 12 posters.

It’s exciting to see the work that is taking place across the globe to respond to and prevent sexual assault!