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By on October 22, 2015

New Funds Announced to Prevent Campus Sexual Assault

CALCASA is thrilled to announce its participation in a new three year pilot project to prevent campus sexual assault, building off of the highly regarded and evidence-based “Shifting Boundaries” prevention program. The project, which is the first campus-based effort of its kind, was made possible thanks to a $750,000 award from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART).

The Center for Effective Public Policy will manage the program and coordinate all partners including: CALCASA; Dr. Nan Stein of the Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, and chief developer of “Shifting Boundaries”; the National Sexual Violence Resource Center; Applied Research Services; and Holly Rider-Milkovich, director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center at the University of Michigan and a national recognized expert and influential voice in the campus sexual assault prevention community.

Duke University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Williams College will explore opportunities to pilot these strategies within existing campus sexual assault prevention efforts at their respective institutions.

With its innovative approach and focus, the three-year pilot initiative can provide important information to guide and complement existing campus sexual assault prevention programs and PreventConnect is excited to see additional commitments by the federal government, nonprofit organizations, and institutions of higher education to work together to prevent sexual violence.