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From Foundations to the Future: A prevention approach to sexual and domestic violence

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
11am-12:30 pm Pacific Time
(2pm-3:30pm Eastern)
 This web conference serves as a foundation and is recommended for new prevention practitioners. It is a repeat of sessions that have been done in previous years.
Interested in preventing sexual and domestic violence in your community? Want to engage in a discussion about the underlying causes of sexual and domestic violence and understand how to address these root causes? Join Prevention Institute along with special guests for this introductory web conference reviewing the fundamentals of a public health approach to preventing violence. Highlighting promising, innovative practices, they will discuss how to use the Spectrum of Prevention to create comprehensive strategies. This web conference will also focus on five norms that make sexual and domestic violence more likely to occur and share strategies to effectively shift norms and prevent violence.


Learning Objectives:
By the end of this web conference, participants will be able to:
  • Identify the elements of a public health approach to preventing sexual and domestic violence.
  • Articulate the differences between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and provide examples of effective primary prevention strategies using the Spectrum of Prevention.
  • Engage in a candid discussion about how to shift five identified norms that contribute to sexual and domestic violence.


Session Materials:

Cost: Free

Hosts: Ashleigh Klein, PreventConnect and CALCASA
Facilitators: Annie Lyles, Program Manager Prevention Institute




About This Web Conference

What is a Web Conference?

A web conference is an opportunity to attend an online workshop by watching a presentation on your computer screen (using your internet connection) and hearing presenters through your telephone.PreventConnect web conferences feature an opportunity to participate in online question & answer sessions and live text chat between participants. If for some reason you are unable to join on your computer, you can download the presentation slides from our website and listen on your phone.


Real-Time Captioning Available:

Instructions for accessing captioning during this web conference will be provided with your registration confirmation.



The iLinc web conference software used by Prevent Connect is compatible with both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computers. Click here for detailed system requirements.