Youth Summit to End Sexual Violence in One Generation: Applications for planning council
The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault / PreventConnect, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, and the National Sexual Violence Resource are on a mission to end sexual violence in one generation!
To help us build collective power and voice to achieve this, we are organizing a Youth Summit in March 2017 in Washington DC. The purpose of this event will be to engage more than 100 High School students at a 3-day summit. At the Youth Summit, participants will engage in leadership and learning opportunities through three tracks:
- Using social media and messaging to change public opinion and discourse about gender-based violence
- Leveraging the influence of ‘sports’ and athletes to end gender-based violence
- Catalyzing individuals and communities through community organizing and policy advocacy to end gender-based violence
Call for Applications for the Youth Summit Planning Council
We invite established, gender-based violence prevention activists and leaders to apply to join the 2017 Youth Summit Planning Council.
Please encourage any leader or activist who meets the following criteria to apply (see Application for full details)!
- Between the ages of 18 and 25
- Must be fully available to complete the above listed Council Member Commitments
- Has at least 1 year experience in leading, participating in, or organizing gender-based violence prevention activities, particularly as it relates to any of the three conference tracks
- Currently engaged and/or connected to local gender-based prevention violence work, preferably through an established local, state, or national mission-driven organization or network
- Has experience working, living, or volunteering in diverse settings and environments
- Is self-directed, dependable, creative, and passionate about ending gender-based violence in one generation
Submission Instructions:
Send an Application, Resume, Signed Commitment Statement, and Nomination Letter in PDF format and saved as STATEABBEVIATION_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME (ex. AZ_SMITH_AMY.pdf) to Yo*********@ca*****.org
DEADLINE for Submission: 5:00pm PT on Wednesday June 22, 2016.