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By on August 8, 2016

Preventing Campus Sexual Assault: State Level Action Planning

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Campus sexual assault is a complex issue, requiring a comprehensive and collaborative prevention approach. Efforts to prevent sexual assault on campus must be planned, strategic and intentional. The action planning process can aid in the development of prevention efforts by providing a framework to identify the steps, resources and time needed to reach an anticipated goal. This web conference will feature guests from collaborative state teams that participated in an action planning process in July 2015. These teams will share their lessons learned and related successes as well as provide insights and tips for other states currently engaging in campus sexual assault prevention.

Host: Ashleigh Klein, PreventConnect and CALCASA


• Describe the benefits of engaging in an action planning process for campus sexual assault prevention

• Identify key partners (or we can say sectors) to engage in an action planning process for campus sexual assault

• Describe a state level action planning process for campus sexual assault prevention


Session Slides: [PDF]

2016 Minnesota Campus Sexual Violence Prevention Summit Program: [PDF]

Transforming Ohio Campuses Toolkit


Mighty Fine, American Public Health Association

Jenny Dills, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Katie Hanna, Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Yvonne Cournoyer, Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

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