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Back to Basics and Moving Beyond: A Prevention Approach to Sexual and Domestic Violence


(This web conference will be held only once. It will be recorded and archived.)

HAWAII (HST/HDT)9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
ALASKA (AKST/AKDT)10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
PACIFIC (PST/PDT)11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
MOUNTAIN (MST/MDT)12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
CENTRAL (CST/CDT)1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
EASTERN (EST/EDT)2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

This web conference serves as a foundation and is recommended for new prevention practitioners. It is a repeat of sessions that have been done in previous years.

Interested in preventing sexual and domestic violence in your community? This introductory web conference will provide an overview to the 2017 PreventConnect web conference series and take us back to basics to review the fundamentals of a public health approach to preventing sexual and domestic violence. We will introduce a framework from Prevention Institute to help identify underlying contributors of sexual and domestic violence.  Guests will then highlight innovative practices that address these factors and discuss how to use the Spectrum of Prevention to create comprehensive prevention strategies.

HOSTS: Ashleigh Klein and Meghna Bhat, PreventConnect and CALCASA

FACILITATOR: Lisa Fujie Parks and Alisha Somji, Prevention Institute


  • Identify fundamental elements of a public health approach to preventing sexual and domestic violence
  • Articulate differences between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
  • Discuss determinants of sexual and domestic violence using a framework and tool to address the social determinants of health at the community level
  • Provide examples of effective primary prevention strategies using the Spectrum of Prevention



  • PowerPoint Slides [PDF]
  • Text Chat [PDF]

2 responses to “Back to Basics and Moving Beyond: A Prevention Approach to Sexual and Domestic Violence”

  1. How will I be able to access the recorded/archived version of the webinar? I have a conflicting engagement already scheduled during that time period.