PreventConnect Web Conference Guest Profiles

PreventConnect web conferences routinely feature the work and experiences of prevention practitioners from across the country, engaged in a variety of strategies to prevent sexual and domestic violence.
Our web conference series this year, produced with our partners at Prevention Institute, embraces the theme, From a Cycle of Violence to a Culture of Safety and Equity. Guests in this series have joined us to discuss the value of community-level prevention and to share strategies, resources, and tools to support innovative approaches to sexual and domestic violence prevention.
To continue the conversation and learning outside of PreventConnect web conferences, we are releasing web conference guest profiles that showcase the work that our guests are doing to prevent sexual and domestic violence in their communities. These profiles offer an opportunity to hear more from our guests, access resources that have been useful to them, and to take a deeper look at prevention in practice. Check back regularly as more profiles will be added soon!
Guest profiles available now:
From our web conference, From Foundations to Innovations: Applying a public health approach to prevent sexual and domestic violence
- Creating a sexual violence prevention movement in Minnesota
- Changing party environments for sexual violence prevention: Men as Peacemakers, Duluth, MN
From our web conference, How to Build Organizational Capacity to Support Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- Toward social change: Build capacity for prevention into state coalition work in Missouri
- Capacity building for community-level prevention: Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault
From our web conference, Toward Gender Equity: Supporting healthy masculinities for sexual and domestic violence prevention
- Preventing violence though gender equity and reconciliation in African American communities
- Working towards gender equity by supporting healthy masculinities in campus and community settings
From our web conference, Addressing Access to Alcohol and Alcohol Environments for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- Alcohol Justice as violence prevention
- Changing alcohol environments to prevent sexual and domestic violence
From our web conference, Community-Level Indicators: Advancements in Evaluating Sexual, Domestic, and Other Forms of Violence Prevention
From our web conference, Participatory Action in Schools: Improving school climate and safety in K-12 schools for sexual and teen dating violence prevention
- Participatory Action in Schools: Incorporating Sexual Violence Prevention into English Classes in Findlay, Ohio
- Hotspot Mapping: How Colorado is working to improve school climate to prevent violence
From our web conference, Culturally-Informed Prevention: Preventing sexual and domestic violence in communities of color
- Prevention Through Liberation: Dismantling oppression and promoting sexual and relational health in Oregon
- Community ownership and relationship building with multicultural communities: How Multicultural Efforts to End Sexual Assault (MESA) supports holistic prevention in Indiana
From our web conference, Centering the Margins: Advancing health equity for sexual and domestic violence prevention
- Gathering strength: A journey in centering the margins in the movement to prevent and end sexual and domestic violence
- A Commitment to Health Equity Internally and Externally: Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence
From our web conference, Fostering School Environments that Protect Against Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Harassment
From our web conference, Getting Started on Supporting Economic Opportunity for Sexual and Domestic Violence Prevention
- Wage equity and other worker supports in Ohio: How one coalition is getting started on a new domestic violence prevention strategy
- Eliminating the Gender Wage Gap in Alaska
From our web conference, Re-Envisioning Community Norms: Social norms change as a sexual and domestic violence prevention strategy
- Project DOT: A New York City youth-driven, dual generational effort to re-envision social norms and promote healthy relationships
- Breaking Gender Stereotypes: How Promundo is working to shift harmful gender norms globally
From our web conference, What Surrounds Us Shapes Us: Greening and other physical/built environment strategies for preventing domestic and sexual violence
- Supporting thriving youth in Salinas, CA through community-informed environmental design strategies
- Greening Spaces as an Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Strategy in Michigan
From our web conference, From paid leave to rent stabilization: Research and practice on strengthening economic security for violence prevention
- Implementing Paid Family Leave across California: Strengthening Economic Supports to Prevent Multiple Forms of Violence
- The passing of SB 608: A housing stability and sexual and domestic violence prevention win in Oregon
From our web conference, Culture-change for prevention: Advancing prevention within and beyond the sexual and domestic violence field
- CHAN-BOF for Peace: Challenging oppressive cultural norms in the Hmong community for domestic violence prevention
- Culture-change as a domestic violence prevention strategy in Fresno County, California
From our web conference, Engagement as a process and strategy: Strengthening connections and leadership opportunities to prevent sexual and intimate partner violence
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