From the Safe Sport Law to Your Organizational Policies: Preventing Sexual Abuse in Adaptive Sports
Most organizational leaders are concerned about preventing sexual abuse in their programs, yet at times it can be hard to know where to begin. This web conference will provide a practical overview of how to develop and implement an organizational prevention plan, which includes policies, staff training, and creating a strong organizational culture. An adaptive sports organization leader will share his experience of developing and implementing a sexual abuse prevention policy and an experienced facilitator of organizational strategic planning around abuse prevention will present tools and strategies your organization can use. The web conference will also provide an overview of the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017, effective February 14, 2018, and the steps leaders can take to ensure that their programs are meeting the requirements. Links to examples of organizational prevention policies will be provided, as well as sample planning documents to help leaders assess your programs’ greatest needs and strengths. This web conference is open to anyone who is interested, but will focus specifically on organizations that support athletes with disabilities.
- Apply learning to create policies, culture, and training to prevent sexual violence in organizations
- Cite examples of tools and policies to help organizations implement prevention programming
- Assess organizations’ compliance of federal legislation for protections against sexual violence, abuse, and harassment
HOST: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
- Web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Text Chat transcript [PDF]
- Management and Leadership for Abuse Prevention Principles [PDF]
- Prevention Plan Worksheet [PDF]
- SEEM Collaborative Touch Guidelines [PDF]
- Adaptive Sport New England Safe Sport Policy [PDF]
- Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies & SafeSport Code [link]
- Meg Stone, Director, IMPACT & IMPACT:Ability Triangle
- Katie Hanna, Director of Education, U.S. Center for SafeSport
- Joe Walsh, President & Director, Adaptive Sports New England

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