Introducing the New VetoViolence Tool: Using Essential Elements to Select, Adapt, and Evaluate Violence Prevention Approaches
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) is releasing a new VetoViolence online tool to help state and local partners with the implementation of evidence-based prevention approaches. Because each setting for violence prevention strategies is unique, practitioners must make decisions about how to balance delivering prevention approaches as intended with the reality of their local contexts. The Division of Violence Prevention developed this online tool to support the decision-making process. The tool will help explain how evidence-based approaches work and to effectively select, deliver, adapt and evaluate approaches in a community. Join us for an overview and demo of the new tool as well as a discussion about how the tool can be used by practitioners. In addition, participants will hear from their colleagues about how they have used Essential Elements to improve their violence prevention work.
- Describe the Using the Essential Elements to Select, Adapt, and Evaluate Violence Prevention Approaches online resource
- Identify how Essential Elements have been used to improve violence prevention efforts
- Identify ways to utilize the tool in state and local violence prevention efforts
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: David S. Lee & Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
- Lindsey Barranco, PhD, Behavioral Scientist, Division of Violence Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Kimberley Freire, PhD, MPH, Program Evaluation and Translation Team Lead, Division of Violence Prevention, Center for Disease Control

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