Safe Secure Kids: An online tool for parents and educators
The Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and d’Vinci Interactive teamed up to create, an online resource for adults, parents, and educators to role model and teach consent and healthy boundaries to the children in their lives. The website includes an interactive game on consent for children and adults to complete together, guidance for adults, and videos highlighting the importance of these conversations.

Resources like make having age-appropriate prevention conversations across the lifespan easier and more accessible. Sexual and domestic violence prevention practitioners know the importance of starting conversations about consent at a young age and to have these conversations be on-going, and helps adults initiate and continue these conversations. Teaching children that their body is theirs and their boundaries should be respected is key to changing a culture to one free from violence, and can impact preventing adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), too. The lessons on this website also include how to handle rejection, building another key skill that prevents potential perpetration of violence.
The free website, guidance, game, and videos are available to all at Check it out and share with the children, adults, teachers, and parents in your life.
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