Shared Vision, Shared Work: Engaging Multisector Partners for Sexual and Intimate Partner Violence Prevention
A shared vision for safer communities requires the involvement of many sectors. No one sector can prevent violence on its own and as sexual and intimate partner violence prevention practitioners move to community-level prevention strategies, cross cutting and multisectoral partnerships are crucial for success. All sectors have their own stakeholders, champions, and networks, and multisectoral partnerships can bolster prevention efforts by working towards common goals and having a wider impact. This web conference will explore the Collaboration Multiplier tool from Prevention Institute and will feature guests from a state public health department, state sexual and domestic violence coalition, and a rape crisis center all engaged in multisector partnerships.
- Identify opportunities to engage nontraditional partners to advance community-level sexual and intimate partner violence prevention
- Describe how to use the Collaboration Multiplier
- Explore who to partner with, how to partner, and towards what ends
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA
- Sarah Ehrhard Reid, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
- Matthew Huffman, Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Vanessa Crawford Aragon, Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault

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