A Life Course Framework for Preventing Domestic Violence
The root causes of domestic violence are many and complex, and these root causes and determinants can change as a person develops across their lifespan. Primary prevention of domestic violence requires knowledge of these multiple determinants, and how to prevent them at the individual, relationship, community, and societal level, as well as at various developmental points in a person’s life. A Lifecourse Framework for Preventing Domestic Violence, by the Blue Shield of California Foundation, identifies the timing and sequence of childhood and adolescent events and experiences that are strongly associated with adult domestic violence perpetration. Join PreventConnect on this web conference with the Blue Shield of California Foundation to discuss the life course analysis report, risk and protective factors of domestic violence across generations, and the implications and opportunities for prevention practice.
- Describe key findings from A Lifecourse Framework for Preventing Domestic Violence
- Identify risk and protective factors for domestic violence across the lifespan and across generations
- Engage in a discussion on opportunities for multigenerational domestic violence prevention work
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: David S. Lee & Ashleigh Klein Jimenez, PreventConnect and CALCASA
- Lucia Corral Peña, Senior Program Officer, Blue Shield of California Foundation
- Arnold Chandler, President, Forward Change Consulting

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