Messaging the Connections: Explaining the links between strengthening economic supports and preventing sexual and intimate partner violence
Strengthening economic supports and security for women and families is one strategy and approach to preventing not only sexual and intimate partner violence, but also suicide, child abuse, and neglect, and adverse childhood experiences. While there is evidence to support these connections, it can be difficult to clearly and succinctly explain how strengthening economic supports and security can lead to preventing violence. In order to effectively prevent violence through implementing economic supports, practitioners need to also identify how systemic racism built current economic systems, and analyze how and which economic supports for violence prevention impact those who are most impacted by violence. Join PreventConnect and guests from Ujima, Inc. and Family Forward North Carolina for a discussion on how messaging these linkages is crucial to gain buy-in and engage partners.
- Explain the connections between strengthening economic supports and preventing multiple forms of violence
- Identify language and narratives to message the connections to stakeholders
- Discuss opportunities to influence strengthening and expanding the scope of economic supports to prevent violence
HOSTS/FACILITATORS: Ashleigh Klein-Jimenez & Tori VandeLinde, PreventConnect and CALCASA
CO-HOSTS/CO-FACILITATORS: Arlene Vassell & Casey Keene, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
- Web conference PowerPoint slides [PDF]
- Links shared during the web conference [PDF]
- Text Chat transcript [PDF]
- Megan Simmons, Senior Policy Attorney, Ujima, Inc.: The National Center on Violence Against Women in the Black Community
- Lisa Finaldi, Community Engagement Leader, Family Forward North Carolina

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