LGBTQIA+ inclusion resources for prevention practitioners: Guides and Toolkits

This blog is the second in a three-part series in honor of PRIDE, to build capacity toward drawing connections between Health Equity, LGBTQIA+ Justice and gender-based violence program development and implementation.
For a downloadable version of this blog, click here.
To read part 1 of this series, which focuses on data and storytelling, click here.
PART 2: Guides and Toolkits
Use the following collection of toolkits and publications to inform your internal organizational framework, program development and policies and practices.
Toolkits about direct service and advocacy
LGBTQ2S+ Glossary of Terms for Service Providers | Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women
- Provides comprehensive definitions of LGBTQIA+ terms, including two-spirit, an LGBTQIA+ power and control wheel and general terms about violence and the LGBTQ2S+ community.
Best Practices for Serving LGBTQIA+ Survivors | National LGBTQ Institute on Intimate Partner Violence
- Provides best practice recommendations for organizations working to center LGBTQIA+ justice within their organizations and improve services to LGBTQIA+ clients.
Responding to Transgender Victims of Sexual Assault | FORGE
- Offers data and practical tools for victim service providers, with specific sections for victim advocates, law enforcement, emergency medical personnel, health care providers, therapists, and social support facilitators.
Sexual Violence & Individuals Who Identify as LGBTQ Information Packet | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
- Resources focused on serving, engaging, and collaborating with individuals and communities who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer or questioning (LGBTQ). The packet contains resources to support counselors, advocates, preventionists, technical assistance providers, and allied professionals committed to affirming all individuals and communities.
Toolkits about Prevention
Guide for Transformative Prevention Programming: Sexual violence & individuals who identify as LGBTQ | National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
- Provides information to state and community-based sexual violence prevention educators and practitioners on preventing sexual violence against individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning (LGBTQ).
Gay Straight Alliances as a Component of a Sexual Violence Prevention Strategy | North Carolina Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NCCASA)
- Articulates the argument for the use of GSAs in a comprehensive sexual violence prevention strategy and utilizes the experience of a North Carolina Rape Prevention and Education Grantee as a case study in the use of GSAs to this end.
Toolkits about Culturally Specific LGBTQ+ Inclusion
Creating Safer Spaces for LGBTQ Youth | Advocates for Youth
- Written by LGBTQIA+ youth advocates. Supports youth-serving professionals, educators, and clinicians in ensuring that LGBTQ youth, especially youth of color, are affirmed and validated in their organizations.
Our Lives, Our Choices, Our Rights! Guidebook for LGBTQ+ and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | Rainbow Support Group
- Written by LGBTQ+ self advocates with IDD. Geared toward helping service providers, family members and supportive people in understanding the lives and experiences of LGBTQ+ people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.