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By on September 24, 2024

National Intimate Partner Violence Prevention Council launches prevention scan

The National Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Council launched a Prevention Scan in October, to gather information about prevention efforts and reach across the country. Supported by the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV) the IPV Prevention Council is conducting outreach to advocates, activists and preventionists working toward advancing social change and preventing systemic violence. 

The Council plans to use gathered information to better understand prevention strategies underway in communities across the country, to learn about innovative practices and partnerships, and to identify gaps in our work. This information will be shared with funding partners to leverage more support for prevention work. Additionally, findings will be used to inform training content, the development of specialized resources, and to foster new collaborative partnerships.

The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete, result summaries will be reported back through NRCDV communication platforms. All respondents will be entered in a drawing for a $25 gift card. Organizers are specifically looking for respondents who: 

  • Are working on creating safe and affordable housing for those who experience abuse.
  • Are influencing policies that help to create safe, healthy, and equitable environments.
  • Are invested in creating supportive, connected communities.
  • Are supporting formerly incarcerated people in moving towards thriving and permanency.
  • Are administering prevention curricula in various settings. 
  • Are engaged in creating trauma-informed community spaces.
  • Whose work is driven by a passion for peace and equity!

To complete the survey and read more, click here