4th Annual MyStrength Training

On August 20th and 21st, CALCASA completed its fourth and largest annual training for California’s MyStrength Campaign. Launched in 2005, MyStrength is CALCASA’s statewide prevention initiative that focuses on providing California rape crisis centers with tool to engage young men as agents of social change empowered to end sexual violence and violence in relationships, while using norm-challenging media to communicate a message of respectful relationships. Through these trainings, facilitators are taught to deliver a sixteen-week curriculum to MyStrength Clubs formed by young men aged 14-18 while program staff are taught skills for incorporating MyStrength into the prevention work of rape crisis centers.
This year’s Training was attended by fifty staff and volunteers from rape crisis centers around the state. While participants who were new to the MyStrength Campaign learned essentials skills, returning participants were given the opportunity to reflect on their experiences and share the lessons they have learned from two, three, or four years of changing the lives of young men and the communities they live in.
To learn more about the MyStrength Campaign and the amazing work that California rape crisis centers have done in their communities through the Campaign, visit www.MyStrength.org.