1 00:00:00,266 --> 00:00:00,767 All right, y'all, 2 00:00:00,767 --> 00:00:07,007 you are joining us for a very special mini series here at Prevent Connect. 3 00:00:07,007 --> 00:00:10,944 I am Janae Sargent and I am joined by my colleague, 4 00:00:10,944 --> 00:00:15,281 friend and oftentimes co-host Ashleigh Klein 5 00:00:15,281 --> 00:00:16,883 Jimenez. 6 00:00:16,883 --> 00:00:17,717 Hi everyone. 7 00:00:17,717 --> 00:00:21,287 I'm Ashley we're doing this mini series 8 00:00:21,654 --> 00:00:25,859 that is looking at the transformative journey of the Delta Project, 9 00:00:25,859 --> 00:00:30,330 a pioneering initiative by the centers for Disease Control and Prevention 10 00:00:30,663 --> 00:00:34,334 that's been aimed at preventing intimate partner violence. 11 00:00:34,768 --> 00:00:38,638 Over the course of these episodes, we are going to be exploring 12 00:00:38,638 --> 00:00:44,511 the rich history, innovative approaches and profound impact of Delta 13 00:00:44,577 --> 00:00:48,181 through the voices of those who have been instrumental in its success. 14 00:00:48,481 --> 00:00:52,085 Join us as we sit down with CDC, national Technical 15 00:00:52,085 --> 00:00:55,855 Assistance Providers and past and present Delta grantees 16 00:00:56,056 --> 00:00:59,159 who share their unique insights and experiences 17 00:00:59,426 --> 00:01:03,630 from the early days of Delta to the latest advancements in Delta ahead. 18 00:01:03,830 --> 00:01:07,700 This podcast celebrates strategies that have helped intimate partner 19 00:01:07,700 --> 00:01:11,304 violence prevention at the community and societal levels. 20 00:01:11,604 --> 00:01:15,775 Ashley, I'm so excited to do this for you and thank you all for listening. 21 00:01:18,645 --> 00:01:18,945 You're 22 00:01:18,945 --> 00:01:22,816 listening to Prevent Connect, the podcast, bringing together voices 23 00:01:22,816 --> 00:01:26,619 from across the movement to end gender and power based violence. 24 00:01:26,886 --> 00:01:31,691 To give you the tools to practice primary prevention in your daily life 25 00:01:31,891 --> 00:01:36,629 and at work, we're highlighting emerging research, promising strategies 26 00:01:36,629 --> 00:01:41,868 and stories from on the ground prevention practitioners doing this work in new 27 00:01:41,868 --> 00:01:46,406 and innovative ways, bringing you topics like foundational strategies 28 00:01:46,406 --> 00:01:50,477 to prevent violence, primary prevention, and youth engagement. 29 00:01:50,710 --> 00:01:56,282 Critical race theory and school Climate Prevention in a digital age, and more. 30 00:01:56,749 --> 00:01:59,953 I'm your host, Jenny Sargeant, and this is perfect. 31 00:01:59,953 --> 00:02:02,956 Connect. 32 00:02:13,833 --> 00:02:16,503 welcome to Delta Reflections 33 00:02:16,503 --> 00:02:20,273 shaping the future of intimate partner violence prevention. 34 00:02:20,707 --> 00:02:24,310 It's our mini podcast series. 35 00:02:24,644 --> 00:02:27,981 And in today's episode we are going to be 36 00:02:28,448 --> 00:02:32,952 looking at the experiences of people who have provided 37 00:02:32,952 --> 00:02:37,023 technical assistance to Delta recipients over the years. 38 00:02:37,390 --> 00:02:43,062 And we are so honored to have Casey Keene with us, the Director of Programs 39 00:02:43,296 --> 00:02:47,267 and Prevention at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 40 00:02:47,534 --> 00:02:51,137 or NCDs, as we lovingly refer to you all. 41 00:02:51,604 --> 00:02:54,140 And Casey has been with the Delta project 42 00:02:54,140 --> 00:02:57,477 since its inception, which is really exciting. 43 00:02:57,477 --> 00:03:00,280 I feel like, Casey, we have a lot of questions for you. 44 00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:03,082 but thank you so much for joining us today. 45 00:03:03,082 --> 00:03:04,217 How are you doing? 46 00:03:04,217 --> 00:03:07,287 I am fantastic, thank you so much for having me. 47 00:03:07,287 --> 00:03:09,756 I'm excited to have this conversation. 48 00:03:09,756 --> 00:03:11,124 Yay, yay. 49 00:03:11,124 --> 00:03:15,828 Well, we're excited to be with you and to have this conversation with you. 50 00:03:15,828 --> 00:03:21,467 And I guess the first question, it's kind of a big one because I know 51 00:03:21,467 --> 00:03:26,406 that you have really been providing technical assistance to Delta recipients 52 00:03:26,406 --> 00:03:30,476 since the beginning of the project or the the Delta program. 53 00:03:30,977 --> 00:03:34,881 And so wondering if you would share your experience 54 00:03:35,215 --> 00:03:38,718 and how your role has evolved over the years. 55 00:03:38,851 --> 00:03:39,552 Thank you. 56 00:03:39,552 --> 00:03:41,054 Yeah, that's a great question. 57 00:03:41,054 --> 00:03:43,556 I was a young person when I started 58 00:03:43,556 --> 00:03:47,393 at the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, very young, 59 00:03:47,393 --> 00:03:52,932 and my first role was as Vernet and public public education assistant. 60 00:03:53,099 --> 00:03:56,803 at that time in history, we got funding from the centers 61 00:03:56,803 --> 00:04:00,206 for Disease Control and Prevention to operate the Vernet project 62 00:04:00,573 --> 00:04:04,177 as an online resource library and the learning community. 63 00:04:04,711 --> 00:04:08,581 So my role was supporting the prevention focus, listservs 64 00:04:08,581 --> 00:04:12,118 and resources, that went along with that project. 65 00:04:12,185 --> 00:04:16,356 back then, 2001, the web was really new. 66 00:04:16,456 --> 00:04:19,092 advocates were just learning how to utilize the internet 67 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:20,793 to support their work. 68 00:04:20,793 --> 00:04:25,198 and so really, a lot of our training and technical assistance was around 69 00:04:25,198 --> 00:04:29,402 how to use the technology, basic things like how to how to search the internet 70 00:04:29,402 --> 00:04:33,673 to find the information you're looking for, how to use the Barnett website, 71 00:04:33,940 --> 00:04:38,077 how to engage in our message boards and our listserv to get peer support. 72 00:04:39,245 --> 00:04:42,582 so those were the kinds of activities we were engaged in back then. 73 00:04:42,715 --> 00:04:45,618 the Delta program then started in 2002. 74 00:04:45,618 --> 00:04:49,589 So I was a new baby in the movement, and it was just one year after 75 00:04:49,589 --> 00:04:51,457 I started at Ncbi. 76 00:04:51,457 --> 00:04:55,762 And so since then I've been in a lot of different roles, but every single one 77 00:04:55,762 --> 00:04:58,898 has really been connected to capacity building for prevention. 78 00:04:59,899 --> 00:05:03,403 and so I've gotten to witness the evolution of the Delta program 79 00:05:03,770 --> 00:05:08,841 and I've also got to witness the evolution of the National IPV Prevention Council. 80 00:05:09,309 --> 00:05:12,779 And the reason I'm mentioning that is because that group really grew 81 00:05:12,779 --> 00:05:18,051 from a conversation among Delta recipients and national to providers about 82 00:05:18,051 --> 00:05:22,155 how do we bridge the gap between those who receive prevention funding 83 00:05:22,388 --> 00:05:24,057 and those who do not? 84 00:05:24,057 --> 00:05:28,728 And this was like ten years into the program, you know, back in 2011 85 00:05:28,895 --> 00:05:34,033 when it became really important to, sort of close that gap 86 00:05:34,200 --> 00:05:37,704 and make sure that everybody had the capacity to do prevention work. 87 00:05:37,904 --> 00:05:43,843 can I just say that I actually did not expect you to talk about how 88 00:05:44,177 --> 00:05:47,246 the internet was just like a baby 89 00:05:47,246 --> 00:05:50,249 back when Delta was a baby and you were a baby. 90 00:05:50,383 --> 00:05:54,554 And that is such a fascinating piece to bring up, Casey, 91 00:05:54,554 --> 00:05:58,758 because, yeah, in 2001, oh my gosh, we still had dial up. 92 00:05:58,958 --> 00:06:01,861 We didn't really know what we were doing on the internet. 93 00:06:01,861 --> 00:06:03,296 That is wild. 94 00:06:04,430 --> 00:06:06,399 Yeah, yeah, it was a wild time. 95 00:06:06,399 --> 00:06:09,635 And so the evolution of these things kind of happened at the same time. 96 00:06:09,635 --> 00:06:13,806 And so thinking about where we are now and how we utilize technology 97 00:06:13,806 --> 00:06:17,377 to support our prevention work, it's a totally different place. 98 00:06:17,710 --> 00:06:18,578 That's incredible. 99 00:06:18,578 --> 00:06:19,679 I when you said that, 100 00:06:19,679 --> 00:06:23,483 I was thinking especially Ashley, your comment about dial up in 2001, 101 00:06:23,483 --> 00:06:28,888 I was sneaking on to my mom's AOL, and making the phone places. 102 00:06:28,921 --> 00:06:31,891 So you it just really puts 103 00:06:31,891 --> 00:06:36,896 so much into perspective for me how much experience you have. 104 00:06:36,896 --> 00:06:41,467 Casey, in this work, and what an impactful role you have played 105 00:06:41,467 --> 00:06:44,737 in shaping one of the biggest intimate partner violence 106 00:06:44,737 --> 00:06:47,907 prevention projects ever. 107 00:06:48,708 --> 00:06:51,811 it's really cool to hear that you were involved in 108 00:06:51,811 --> 00:06:55,248 every single part of the inception of Delta. 109 00:06:55,748 --> 00:06:59,986 How do you feel then kind of going from dial up? 110 00:06:59,986 --> 00:07:03,156 People are just getting you used to the internet to now this like 111 00:07:03,523 --> 00:07:08,828 really comprehensive and innovative living and breathing program. 112 00:07:09,162 --> 00:07:13,266 How do you feel Delta projects have shaped the field of intimate partner 113 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:14,567 violence prevention? 114 00:07:14,567 --> 00:07:16,202 Yeah, no thank you, Janet. 115 00:07:16,202 --> 00:07:17,804 It's really been profound. 116 00:07:17,804 --> 00:07:20,706 I would say that the shift has been profound. 117 00:07:20,706 --> 00:07:23,709 I think most significantly 118 00:07:23,843 --> 00:07:27,880 is really a basic shift when I think about it. 119 00:07:27,880 --> 00:07:32,718 And it's in our understanding about what prevention is and what prevention is not. 120 00:07:33,219 --> 00:07:37,990 And we have learned along the way that it is not something additional or extra. 121 00:07:38,324 --> 00:07:40,092 It's not a side dish. 122 00:07:40,092 --> 00:07:44,997 In fact, we've we've come to realize, going back to our roots, 123 00:07:44,997 --> 00:07:49,068 that prevention is embedded in the history and the foundation of our work 124 00:07:49,068 --> 00:07:51,204 as a social change movement. 125 00:07:51,204 --> 00:07:54,474 it's also not any one person's 126 00:07:54,474 --> 00:07:58,377 job and absolutely cannot be accomplished in isolation. 127 00:07:58,377 --> 00:08:02,114 And you will never get anywhere doing prevention work alone. 128 00:08:02,582 --> 00:08:07,186 We all have to create the culture and the conditions, for people to thrive. 129 00:08:07,487 --> 00:08:10,656 And it has to be happening in every single role 130 00:08:10,656 --> 00:08:13,659 in our organizations and at every level. 131 00:08:13,960 --> 00:08:16,963 We've learned that that investment is really critical. 132 00:08:16,996 --> 00:08:21,033 And putting a scribing prevention to one person's job 133 00:08:21,367 --> 00:08:25,805 title or description is not going to shift anything. 134 00:08:26,205 --> 00:08:28,040 So the other thing is, we've learned 135 00:08:28,040 --> 00:08:31,043 there's not really any limits on what prevention looks like. 136 00:08:31,611 --> 00:08:34,480 We understand now that prevention is really broad 137 00:08:34,480 --> 00:08:37,750 and expansive, and it's in everything we do. 138 00:08:37,750 --> 00:08:40,286 And it can be anything. 139 00:08:40,286 --> 00:08:44,323 so the limitlessness of prevention, 140 00:08:44,390 --> 00:08:49,362 makes it feel a little bit intimidating, but at the same time means 141 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:52,899 you have the flexibility to move in whatever direction inspires 142 00:08:52,899 --> 00:08:55,902 you and whatever direction you feel passionate about. 143 00:08:56,068 --> 00:08:58,437 And perhaps the most important shift 144 00:08:59,405 --> 00:09:00,439 is that we now 145 00:09:00,439 --> 00:09:03,442 know that the means are the end, 146 00:09:03,609 --> 00:09:05,978 that the how we do the work 147 00:09:05,978 --> 00:09:09,649 by leading with love, by building meaningful relationships, 148 00:09:10,016 --> 00:09:12,652 by centering those most impacted, 149 00:09:12,652 --> 00:09:17,223 by advancing equity, by shifting power, and embracing 150 00:09:17,223 --> 00:09:21,794 a mindset of abundance and humility, all of that in the way we do the work. 151 00:09:21,794 --> 00:09:26,732 That's what matters, that living out our values is prevention. 152 00:09:26,732 --> 00:09:29,735 That's the thing that's going to make the change that we're looking for. 153 00:09:31,604 --> 00:09:35,308 Prevent connect is taking this conversation even further 154 00:09:35,308 --> 00:09:39,345 on our social media, and we want you to be a part of the discussion. 155 00:09:39,979 --> 00:09:44,417 Join in on the conversation on our Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, 156 00:09:44,550 --> 00:09:48,955 where we're posting excerpts from this podcast and so many more 157 00:09:49,322 --> 00:09:52,892 and asking experts, practitioners, and followers 158 00:09:52,892 --> 00:09:56,162 like you to share your stories and ideas. 159 00:09:56,596 --> 00:09:57,330 Search. Prevent. 160 00:09:57,330 --> 00:10:00,366 Connect on your social media platforms to get involved. 161 00:10:02,368 --> 00:10:04,136 You know I'm not sure if you know this 162 00:10:04,136 --> 00:10:07,139 I think you do Ashley does I, 163 00:10:08,140 --> 00:10:13,379 I was a Delta sub recipient in my first role in prevention. 164 00:10:13,379 --> 00:10:15,781 And so as you're sharing that 165 00:10:15,781 --> 00:10:18,718 you know I guess I just want to throw some appreciation. 166 00:10:18,718 --> 00:10:22,888 Your way because all of those values that you described 167 00:10:23,255 --> 00:10:25,558 are how I came to learn about prevention. 168 00:10:25,558 --> 00:10:31,163 So I am a part of a generation of prevention ESPs who were shaped by Delta. 169 00:10:31,163 --> 00:10:35,434 And I remember my Delta project was truly community centered. 170 00:10:35,434 --> 00:10:37,003 It felt so creative. 171 00:10:37,003 --> 00:10:40,940 It was nothing like I had expected or was experience saying we did a 172 00:10:41,440 --> 00:10:47,079 a social marketing campaign created with and for young boys, and it was 173 00:10:47,780 --> 00:10:51,917 I just felt so deeply impacted by Delta and it shaped who I am. 174 00:10:52,184 --> 00:10:53,419 Prevention asked. 175 00:10:53,419 --> 00:10:56,455 And so I hear these stories sometimes, and it's like 176 00:10:56,455 --> 00:11:00,126 it has not always been this way and about how far we've come. 177 00:11:00,126 --> 00:11:03,963 And so I feel so much appreciation for the folks who helped get us there. 178 00:11:03,963 --> 00:11:06,432 And and you're one of those people. 179 00:11:06,432 --> 00:11:09,301 I also know that moving prevention 180 00:11:09,301 --> 00:11:12,304 that much must have been 181 00:11:12,471 --> 00:11:16,542 so challenging and rewarding and just tough. 182 00:11:17,076 --> 00:11:22,581 Can you talk about some of the challenges and successes you've witnessed 183 00:11:22,581 --> 00:11:25,951 throughout your whole journey working with Delta recipients? 184 00:11:26,185 --> 00:11:30,156 one of the main challenge is really has been about making the case 185 00:11:30,356 --> 00:11:34,226 for prevention why we should be doing it, why it matters, 186 00:11:34,226 --> 00:11:37,863 why it's important, and why it should be integrated into everything we do. 187 00:11:37,863 --> 00:11:42,735 we have really, for a long time known that to end gender based violence, 188 00:11:43,002 --> 00:11:46,572 we have to interrupt the cultural norms and the constructs 189 00:11:46,572 --> 00:11:48,574 and the rules that support it. 190 00:11:48,574 --> 00:11:50,810 We've also known it's a long game 191 00:11:50,810 --> 00:11:53,813 and that we're invested in it for future generations. 192 00:11:54,413 --> 00:11:56,816 But this deep knowing that we have 193 00:11:56,816 --> 00:12:00,986 based on our experiential wisdom, it is not enough 194 00:12:00,986 --> 00:12:04,924 to bring funders and policymakers and other partners on board 195 00:12:05,424 --> 00:12:07,860 just to say, we know this with our whole heart. 196 00:12:08,928 --> 00:12:10,096 And in fact, 197 00:12:10,096 --> 00:12:12,298 it has been a challenge to even make the case 198 00:12:12,298 --> 00:12:16,068 inside of our own own organizations shifting from a place 199 00:12:16,068 --> 00:12:20,639 where people, you know, in your role as a prevention educator that 200 00:12:20,639 --> 00:12:25,511 that you could check that prevention box by having somebody in a role like that. 201 00:12:26,479 --> 00:12:30,883 We know our movement has been impacted by many things, 202 00:12:31,350 --> 00:12:35,921 like the nonprofit industrial complex, the carceral state. 203 00:12:36,322 --> 00:12:39,358 We have over time, really become funder 204 00:12:39,358 --> 00:12:42,361 driven rather than social change oriented. 205 00:12:42,394 --> 00:12:45,765 That is what leads to feelings of scarcity 206 00:12:45,765 --> 00:12:48,768 and division and competition within our movement. 207 00:12:49,034 --> 00:12:52,271 And so we needed to we needed to 208 00:12:52,271 --> 00:12:55,241 and continue to need to, break that down. 209 00:12:55,441 --> 00:13:00,012 so that means going back to our roots and if we can go back to our roots 210 00:13:00,346 --> 00:13:02,081 as a social change movement, 211 00:13:02,081 --> 00:13:05,751 that's where we can open the door for these practices to come through. 212 00:13:06,018 --> 00:13:09,021 And that takes organizational commitment and intention. 213 00:13:09,488 --> 00:13:12,825 And so what we needed was for Delta recipients 214 00:13:13,025 --> 00:13:16,061 to be able to demonstrate the promise of prevention 215 00:13:16,128 --> 00:13:19,465 and the impact of prevention, both internally in their own 216 00:13:19,465 --> 00:13:23,602 organizations and externally to those who we wanted to invest in it. 217 00:13:23,836 --> 00:13:26,772 So in order to do that, they needed evidence based practice, 218 00:13:26,772 --> 00:13:31,310 but they also needed their practice based evidence to be recognized and validated. 219 00:13:31,811 --> 00:13:35,648 And that was a significant shift on the part of CDC 220 00:13:35,848 --> 00:13:39,518 that I think really got us to the place where we we were able to say, 221 00:13:40,085 --> 00:13:44,924 we know this are our deep knowing is validated by these stories 222 00:13:44,924 --> 00:13:48,794 and these experiences and changes possible. 223 00:13:49,228 --> 00:13:53,632 And so that's why we spent considerable time building the engagement 224 00:13:53,632 --> 00:13:57,436 section of the prevent IPV website, which has tools 225 00:13:57,436 --> 00:14:01,941 and resources to some recipients in making the case for prevention. 226 00:14:02,208 --> 00:14:05,811 And not just recipients, but anybody who wants to make the case 227 00:14:05,811 --> 00:14:08,480 that this is a worthwhile investment. 228 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:12,484 we have, you know, built tools together to help do that. 229 00:14:12,785 --> 00:14:16,889 And I think we're in a place now where maybe we don't need to invest as much time 230 00:14:16,889 --> 00:14:20,025 in making the case, which is because of all the, the work 231 00:14:20,025 --> 00:14:23,028 that we've been doing along the way to do that. 232 00:14:23,128 --> 00:14:26,098 So that, to me, feels like the biggest challenge 233 00:14:26,098 --> 00:14:29,368 to getting us from from point A in 2001 234 00:14:29,368 --> 00:14:32,838 or 2002 to point B, where we are now. 235 00:14:32,938 --> 00:14:39,345 gosh, I so there's like so much to respond to what you just said, Casey. 236 00:14:39,345 --> 00:14:40,479 but one thing 237 00:14:40,479 --> 00:14:44,216 that's like at the top of my head is I'm glad you brought up prevent IPV. 238 00:14:44,316 --> 00:14:46,919 I use that website all the time. 239 00:14:46,919 --> 00:14:49,755 Probably at least every other week. 240 00:14:49,755 --> 00:14:53,826 There's just such a wealth of material 241 00:14:53,826 --> 00:14:59,632 and, resources and just an incredible space 242 00:14:59,765 --> 00:15:04,136 to really find what you need when we're talking about prevention. 243 00:15:04,136 --> 00:15:08,741 And, it's it's really an incredible little slice of the internet 244 00:15:09,275 --> 00:15:14,713 to help to continue to, build capacity for people 245 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:18,417 who are doing prevention, but to also reinforce 246 00:15:18,851 --> 00:15:23,355 and continue to make the case that prevention is, is possible. 247 00:15:23,722 --> 00:15:25,824 and prevention works. 248 00:15:25,824 --> 00:15:30,429 And, you know, earlier you mentioned the IPV Prevention Council 249 00:15:30,529 --> 00:15:35,501 and the importance of bringing together those who are receiving IP prevention 250 00:15:35,501 --> 00:15:40,005 funding, like Delta and those who aren't, because there's so much wisdom 251 00:15:40,005 --> 00:15:44,810 and learning, both within but also far beyond Delta. 252 00:15:45,844 --> 00:15:48,247 and that is just 253 00:15:48,247 --> 00:15:51,183 so important, I think, when you're talking about like, 254 00:15:51,183 --> 00:15:54,353 getting back to our roots and really thinking about social change, 255 00:15:54,353 --> 00:15:58,724 because that's been happening without this funding for a long, long time. 256 00:15:59,291 --> 00:16:03,095 one of the ways that I think you all and our Khedive 257 00:16:03,362 --> 00:16:07,566 has really been able to help tell the stories that are coming 258 00:16:07,566 --> 00:16:13,305 out of the Delta project, are this series of stories 259 00:16:13,305 --> 00:16:17,209 about innovations in prevention through through Delta? 260 00:16:18,177 --> 00:16:21,780 and it's something that, you know, every time you release a new one. 261 00:16:21,780 --> 00:16:25,884 Over the years, I got really excited because it truly is a story. 262 00:16:25,884 --> 00:16:30,823 And I, I love stories, so I'm wondering if you would maybe share a little bit 263 00:16:30,823 --> 00:16:36,395 about those Delta stories and some of the, the ones that kind of stand out to you? 264 00:16:36,395 --> 00:16:39,832 Oh my gosh, Ashley, thank you so much and thank you for highlighting. 265 00:16:40,065 --> 00:16:41,367 You know how valuable you feel. 266 00:16:41,367 --> 00:16:43,635 The private IPV website is. 267 00:16:43,635 --> 00:16:48,107 really the goal there is to make prevention feel. 268 00:16:48,273 --> 00:16:50,075 Yeah, possible, as you said. 269 00:16:50,075 --> 00:16:53,645 by providing the tools that people need to be able to do it. 270 00:16:54,046 --> 00:16:58,183 but I really feel my greatest joy in supporting the Delta recipients 271 00:16:58,183 --> 00:16:59,785 has been capturing their stories. 272 00:16:59,785 --> 00:17:03,989 storytelling is so dear to to me. 273 00:17:04,590 --> 00:17:08,560 and I think is is the way we, we make change together. 274 00:17:08,994 --> 00:17:13,332 and so we have a variety of stories, published on our website. 275 00:17:13,599 --> 00:17:18,604 We have six topic specific stories that feature, innovative 276 00:17:19,004 --> 00:17:22,341 work and lessons learned from Delta Focus recipients. 277 00:17:22,941 --> 00:17:26,545 They implemented strategies to change the environments 278 00:17:26,545 --> 00:17:29,548 and conditions in which people live, work, and play. 279 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:32,351 And they have stories 280 00:17:32,351 --> 00:17:36,155 they're on engaging youth, engaging men and boys, 281 00:17:36,321 --> 00:17:40,859 policy based prevention, creating safe community spaces. 282 00:17:40,959 --> 00:17:43,062 So many different areas to explore. 283 00:17:43,062 --> 00:17:46,065 But really, my favorite story, my favorite Delta 284 00:17:46,298 --> 00:17:50,369 focus story is on trauma informed community building. 285 00:17:50,469 --> 00:17:54,873 this is a strategy that really recognizes and uplifts the voices and leadership 286 00:17:55,140 --> 00:17:59,978 of those who experienced disproportionate rates of trauma due to environmental 287 00:17:59,978 --> 00:18:04,116 stressors and experiences of state sanctioned violence and oppression, 288 00:18:04,650 --> 00:18:09,188 and the development of this story really inspired me to consider 289 00:18:09,188 --> 00:18:12,991 what does survivor centered prevention look like in our work? 290 00:18:13,592 --> 00:18:18,697 How can we bring survivors into prevention and, in a meaningful way, 291 00:18:18,931 --> 00:18:21,166 in a way that really guides 292 00:18:21,166 --> 00:18:25,003 the direction that we move in, with our prevention initiatives. 293 00:18:25,003 --> 00:18:28,874 And so that's what I think really is the beauty in that particular story. 294 00:18:28,974 --> 00:18:32,845 we're now just, starting to tell the stories of Delta impact, 295 00:18:33,245 --> 00:18:36,748 programs and recipients in the Delta Impact program, 296 00:18:36,748 --> 00:18:39,785 they really focused on improving the structural determinants 297 00:18:39,785 --> 00:18:42,788 of health at the societal and community levels. 298 00:18:42,921 --> 00:18:47,960 And so impact and change at these outermost levels of the social ecology 299 00:18:48,393 --> 00:18:52,631 really depends on cross-sector cross movement partnerships. 300 00:18:53,332 --> 00:18:57,402 And so that's why the recipients really wanted to focus on 301 00:18:58,103 --> 00:19:02,274 how can we make accessible tools for building relationships, 302 00:19:02,274 --> 00:19:03,809 fostering relationships 303 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:07,479 with those who are poised to partner with us, and advancing social change 304 00:19:07,779 --> 00:19:11,717 knowing what we know that we cannot do the work in isolation. 305 00:19:12,251 --> 00:19:16,121 We know that the partnerships are critical, and so the first Delta 306 00:19:16,121 --> 00:19:20,459 impact story that we published was on pay equity and a thriving wage. 307 00:19:20,592 --> 00:19:25,197 the next one, which will be coming very soon, is exploring health equity. 308 00:19:25,330 --> 00:19:30,502 And what's unique about these stories is, first of all, they're completely created 309 00:19:30,502 --> 00:19:34,239 in partnership with recipients bringing their experiences to life. 310 00:19:34,239 --> 00:19:37,609 But both are graphic illustrations. 311 00:19:37,943 --> 00:19:42,648 So you have a visual story, and we partnered with On the Right Mind, 312 00:19:42,714 --> 00:19:45,951 to bring the graphic illustration components to the stories. 313 00:19:46,451 --> 00:19:50,355 And really, what we do is explain how these issues are connected 314 00:19:50,355 --> 00:19:54,693 to preventing gender based violence, and explore strategies that really work 315 00:19:55,093 --> 00:19:59,131 to move us closer to this shared vision that we that we have 316 00:19:59,131 --> 00:20:02,968 with those we partner with, where all individuals and families can thrive. 317 00:20:02,968 --> 00:20:07,306 So I think what's been really interesting about the Delta Impact series 318 00:20:07,606 --> 00:20:11,610 is that we've been able to really dig into these components, 319 00:20:12,010 --> 00:20:15,514 and that may not feel, as connected to, 320 00:20:15,514 --> 00:20:18,517 gender based violence prevention as we know that they are, 321 00:20:18,817 --> 00:20:23,789 and really demonstrating those connections and why people should join us. 322 00:20:23,922 --> 00:20:27,960 that together we can really create the change that we're looking for. 323 00:20:28,760 --> 00:20:29,761 inspiring. 324 00:20:29,761 --> 00:20:33,065 And I love the visual aspects 325 00:20:33,065 --> 00:20:37,402 that have been incorporated in the most recent stories. 326 00:20:37,402 --> 00:20:40,405 They really I mean, first, the art is just beautiful. 327 00:20:40,539 --> 00:20:43,575 and, and they're so talented in what they do, 328 00:20:43,575 --> 00:20:47,779 but it really does, I think, help make a connection 329 00:20:47,779 --> 00:20:52,017 differently than just reading words on, on a screen or on paper. 330 00:20:52,384 --> 00:20:56,588 so if, if our listeners have it, check those out. 331 00:20:56,588 --> 00:20:59,825 I really, really encourage you to do that. 332 00:21:00,525 --> 00:21:02,995 gosh. So, Casey, I'm wondering, 333 00:21:02,995 --> 00:21:07,833 like, you have been around now watching the Delta project 334 00:21:09,167 --> 00:21:10,702 transform and 335 00:21:10,702 --> 00:21:15,173 shift and the field in general kind of, 336 00:21:15,173 --> 00:21:18,176 you know, make those pivots and, 337 00:21:18,210 --> 00:21:21,113 and make the case for prevention. 338 00:21:21,113 --> 00:21:24,916 And I'm wondering, you know, given that experience, 339 00:21:25,150 --> 00:21:29,121 what do you see for the future of of the Delta project? 340 00:21:29,121 --> 00:21:34,192 And how do you see Delta recipients continuing to innovate 341 00:21:34,192 --> 00:21:37,296 and lead in IPV prevention going forward? 342 00:21:38,330 --> 00:21:40,332 Yeah, thank you for this question. 343 00:21:40,332 --> 00:21:44,469 And I have to say, I feel very old now, know 344 00:21:45,370 --> 00:21:49,274 having been on this journey for so long, but I am in it for the long haul. 345 00:21:49,274 --> 00:21:53,645 and I can see I can see some amazing things coming. 346 00:21:53,945 --> 00:21:57,582 So I think as we continue to think more expansively around 347 00:21:57,582 --> 00:22:01,987 what prevention is and how it can be done and who we can partner with to get there, 348 00:22:02,587 --> 00:22:05,357 we will continue to build this collective power. 349 00:22:05,357 --> 00:22:08,660 And that's what's going to lead to the to the real change we want to see. 350 00:22:08,960 --> 00:22:11,396 But as far as we've come, 351 00:22:11,396 --> 00:22:14,599 many, many advocates working in the movement to end gender 352 00:22:14,599 --> 00:22:18,303 based violence still do not see themselves as part of the prevention work. 353 00:22:18,937 --> 00:22:22,674 many don't identify with the prevention language. 354 00:22:22,874 --> 00:22:26,578 many, just aren't seeing 355 00:22:26,578 --> 00:22:30,782 that they are engaged in prevention work on a daily basis. 356 00:22:30,782 --> 00:22:33,785 That is contributing to meaningful change. 357 00:22:33,819 --> 00:22:36,688 And so that's why it's been really critical. 358 00:22:36,688 --> 00:22:41,326 The National IPV Prevention Council, who is we've talked about it a little bit. 359 00:22:41,326 --> 00:22:45,063 There are leadership body comprised of both Delta and non Delta 360 00:22:45,063 --> 00:22:49,968 funded coalitions, community based organizations, survivors. 361 00:22:50,268 --> 00:22:54,272 And just really all kinds of partners at the table there. 362 00:22:54,773 --> 00:22:58,510 They're working together to create a common definition for prevention, 363 00:22:58,877 --> 00:23:03,915 something that really can resonate with all people, something that recognizes 364 00:23:03,915 --> 00:23:07,552 the intersections of our work with other social movements. 365 00:23:08,553 --> 00:23:09,688 Because really, we 366 00:23:09,688 --> 00:23:13,258 think that if everyone can see their role in prevention 367 00:23:13,625 --> 00:23:17,095 and if everyone can see their responsibility and the power 368 00:23:17,095 --> 00:23:22,067 they have to make the change happen, we can do it together. 369 00:23:22,267 --> 00:23:27,572 And so I think that's the thing that I think is the challenge we're facing 370 00:23:27,572 --> 00:23:31,343 now is how do we bring everybody in, how do we create 371 00:23:31,343 --> 00:23:36,715 an inclusive prevention movement that everybody feels a part of? 372 00:23:37,048 --> 00:23:40,485 we know that belongingness is critical, right? 373 00:23:40,485 --> 00:23:42,821 And so that's what we're talking about here. 374 00:23:42,821 --> 00:23:46,725 Everyone belongs, no matter what your role is in the movement. 375 00:23:46,992 --> 00:23:50,061 And so it's bringing everybody together 376 00:23:50,061 --> 00:23:53,064 under that common understanding. 377 00:23:53,331 --> 00:23:58,703 That is such an inspiring place to go and path to see forward. 378 00:23:58,703 --> 00:24:03,408 We talk all the time about how prevention 379 00:24:04,709 --> 00:24:07,112 provides this really transformational shift, 380 00:24:07,112 --> 00:24:12,117 where we can be creative and where we can imagine transformational futures. 381 00:24:12,117 --> 00:24:15,120 And I see that when you speak, you know, 382 00:24:15,387 --> 00:24:20,192 Casey, thank you so much for not only sharing your valuable insights, 383 00:24:20,192 --> 00:24:25,297 but also for being a part of shaping intimate partner violence prevention. 384 00:24:25,297 --> 00:24:29,401 And you were a part of shaping my journey as a prevention first, I know 385 00:24:29,868 --> 00:24:33,972 likely thousands of other prevention s all over the country. 386 00:24:34,272 --> 00:24:37,943 you're perspective as a technical assistance provider really 387 00:24:37,943 --> 00:24:41,780 highlights the incredible work and the impact of the Delta project, 388 00:24:41,780 --> 00:24:44,783 and I'm so excited to be a part of it and really excited 389 00:24:44,783 --> 00:24:47,752 to see where it goes. 390 00:24:47,752 --> 00:24:49,321 thank you so much, Janine. 391 00:24:49,321 --> 00:24:53,091 It's truly an honor, to hear that you see me in that light. 392 00:24:53,091 --> 00:24:57,028 And it's just been an honor to witness this journey and be part of it. 393 00:24:57,429 --> 00:24:58,630 I'm really grateful. 394 00:24:58,630 --> 00:25:00,198 Thank you for inviting me. 395 00:25:00,198 --> 00:25:01,399 thanks again, Casey. 396 00:25:01,399 --> 00:25:03,101 And I just want to also 397 00:25:03,101 --> 00:25:07,439 thank our listeners for tuning in to this episode of Delta Reflections. 398 00:25:07,706 --> 00:25:10,876 Stay with us as we continue to explore more 399 00:25:11,042 --> 00:25:14,579 incredible stories and achievements of the Delta Project. 400 00:25:14,980 --> 00:25:16,348 We'll see you next time 401 00:25:17,549 --> 00:25:20,552 you next time. Bye. 402 00:25:22,487 --> 00:25:25,290 Prevent connect is brought to you by valor U.S. 403 00:25:25,290 --> 00:25:27,692 and the centers for Disease Control. 404 00:25:27,692 --> 00:25:31,663 You can find more information about this episode, along with past 405 00:25:31,663 --> 00:25:34,833 episodes, web conferences, and blog 406 00:25:34,833 --> 00:25:37,836 articles at Prevent connect.org. 407 00:25:38,336 --> 00:25:41,339 As we work to bring you more podcasts like this one. 408 00:25:41,673 --> 00:25:44,409 We need your help ensuring that this podcast 409 00:25:44,409 --> 00:25:47,612 and others like it reaches listeners like you. 410 00:25:47,746 --> 00:25:51,750 Take a second to rate this podcast wherever you're listening to it. 411 00:25:52,183 --> 00:25:56,621 That helps us show up on main podcasting pages and reach new listeners. 412 00:25:56,988 --> 00:26:00,759 And of course, if you have an idea for a topic that you'd like to see us 413 00:26:00,759 --> 00:26:05,931 cover, reach out to us and comment on this post on our Instagram page.